Operations supported for Galois Field arrays:

+ - - Addition and subtraction of Galois arrays.

* / \ - Matrix multiplication and division of Galois arrays.

.* ./ .\ - Elementwise multiplication and division of Galois arrays

^ - Matrix exponentiation of Galois array.

.^ - Elementwise exponentiation of Galois array.

' .' - Transpose of Galois array.

==, ~= - Relational operators for Galois arrays.

all - True if all elements of a Galois vector are nonzero.
any - True if any element of a Galois vector is nonzero.
conv - Convolution of Galois vectors.
convmtx - Convolution matrix of Galois field vector.
cosets - Produce cyclotomic cosets for a Galois field.
deconv - Deconvolution and polynomial division.
det - Determinant of square Galois matrix.
dftmtx - Discrete Fourier transform matrix in a Galois field.
diag - Diagonal Galois matrices and diagonals of a Galois matrix.
fft - Discrete Fourier transform.
filter - One-dimensional digital filter over a Galois field.
gf - Create a Galois field array.
gftable - Generate a file to accelerate Galois field computations.
ifft - Inverse discrete Fourier transform.
inv - Inverse of Galois matrix.
isprimitive - Check whether a polynomial over a Galois field is primitive.
length - Length of Galois vector.
log - Logarithm in a Galois field.
lu - Lower-Upper triangular factorization of Galois array.
minpoly - Find the minimal polynomial for a Galois element.
mldivide - Matrix left division \ of Galois arrays.
polyval - Evaluate polynomial in Galois field.
primpoly - Find primitive polynomials for a Galois field.
rank - Rank of a Galois array.
reshape - Reshape Galois array.
roots - Find polynomial roots across a Galois field.
size - Size of Galois array.
tril - Extract lower triangular part of Galois array.
triu - Extract upper triangular part of Galois array.

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