change of version 1.3.x+,EOSIO.CDT

After eos version 1.3.x, generation of cdt tools, Smart Contracts has changed alot.

Both source code and compilation.

Compilation and application

1. download and install cdt

$ git clone --recursive
$ cd eosio.cdt
$ ./
$ sudo ./

2. Building your first smart contract

This will generate two files:old===>new


eosiocpp -g hello.abi hello.hpp
eosiocpp -o heool.wast hello.cpp
eosio-cpp -abigen hello.cpp -o hello.wasm

3. Original contract change to cdt contract need do somethings:

  • name replace account_name
  • symbol("EOS",4) replace S(4,EOS)
  • add #define N(X) name("X") to .hpp
  • ACTION replace void
  • [[eosio::action]] replace @abi action
  • struct [[eosio::table("testtabb")]] test_table2{} replace //@abi table testtabb

Modules changes

1. console Defines C++ wrapper to log/print text messages. More...


print( "hello world, this is a number: ", 5 );
print_f("Number of apples: %", 10); const char *s = "Hello World!";
uint64_t unsigned_64_bit_int = 1e+18;
uint128_t unsigned_128_bit_int (87654323456);
uint64_t string_as_unsigned_64_bit = N(abcde);
std::out << s << " " << unsigned_64_bit_int << " " << unsigned_128_bit_int << " " << string_as_unsigned_64_bit;

2. multiindex Defines EOSIO Multi Index Table


#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
using namespace eosio;
using namespace std;
class addressbook: contract {
struct address {
uint64_t account_name;
string first_name;
string last_name;
string street;
string city;
string state;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return account_name; }
addressbook(name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds):contract(receiver, code, ds) {}
typedef eosio::multi_index< name("address"), address > address_index;
void myaction() {
address_index addresses(_self, _self.value); // code, scope
EOSIO_DISPATCH( addressbook, (myaction) )

3. inline actions delete currency.hpp

* Send inline action
* @brief Send inline action
* @param CONTRACT - The account this action is intended for
* @param NAME - The name of the action
* @param ... - The member of the action specified as ("action_member1_name", action_member1_value)("action_member2_name", action_member2_value)
INLINE_ACTION_SENDER(std::decay_t<decltype(CONTRACT)>, NAME)( (CONTRACT).get_self(),\

e.g.1:owner call owner function ,create inline option

SEND_INLINE_ACTION(*this,transfer,{_self, N(active)},{_self,from,"1.0000 EOS","inline transfer"})

e.g.2:contract B call contract A's hi function

#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
using namespace eosio;
CONTRACT A : public eosio::contract {
using contract::contract;
ACTION hi( name user );
// accessor for external contracts to easily send inline actions to your contract
using hi_action = action_wrapper<"hi"_n, &A::hi>;
#include <A.hpp>
using namespace eosio;
CONTRACT send_inline : public eosio::contract {
using contract::contract;
ACTION test( name user, name inline_code ) {
print_f( "Hello % from send_inline", user );
// constructor takes two arguments (the code the contract is deployed on and the set of permissions)
A::hi_action hi(inline_code, {_self, "active"_n});
// accessor for external contracts to easily send inline actions to your contract
using test_action = action_wrapper<"test"_n, &send_inline::test>;

4. others

  • delete eosio::vector,bytes replace to std::vector<>,std::vector

Headers changes

1.change eosiolib/types.hpp

  • delete account_name and replace to name (details later)
  • delete permission_name,table_name,scope_name,action_name
  • delete time,weight_type
  • change name public_key to capi_public_key,signature to capi_signature the same as capi_checksum256...

2.add eosiolib/name.hpp

  • Added enum class eosio::name::raw which is implicitly converted from an eosio::name (used for template non-type parameters)
struct name
enum class raw : uint64_t {};
uint64_t value = 0;
  • delete macro N(X) replace to "X"_n or name("X")
#define N(X) name("X")
#define V(X) N(X).value

3.change eosiolib/contract.hpp

  • change constract function
class contract {
* Construct a new contract given the contract name
* @brief Construct a new contract object.
* @param n - The name of this contract
contract( account_name n ):_self(n){}
* Get this contract name
* @brief Get this contract name.
* @return account_name - The name of this contract
inline account_name get_self()const { return _self; } protected:
* The name of this contract
* @brief The name of this contract.
account_name _self;
class contract {
* Construct a new contract given the contract name
* @brief Construct a new contract object.
* @param receiver - The name of this contract
* @param code - The code name of the action this contract is processing.
* @param ds - The datastream used
contract( name receiver, name code, datastream<const char*> ds ):_self(receiver),_code(code),_ds(ds) {}
* Get this contract name
* @brief Get this contract name.
* @return name - The name of this contract
inline name get_self()const { return _self; }
* The code name of the action this contract is processing.
* @brief The code name of the action this contract is processing.
* @return name - The code name of the action this contract is processing.
inline name get_code()const { return _code; }
* Get the datastream for this contract
* @brief Get the datastream for this contract
* @return datastream<const char*> - The datastream for this contract
inline datastream<const char*> get_datastream()const { return _ds; }
* The name of this contract
* @brief The name of this contract.
name _self;
* The code name of the action this contract is processing.
* @brief The code name of the action this contract is processing.
name _code;
* The datastream for this contract
*@ The datastream for this contract
datastream<const char*> _ds = datastream<const char*>(nullptr, 0);

4.change eosiolib/eosio.hpp

  • Added ACTION macro which is simply a shortcut for [[eosio::action]] void.

  • Added TABLE macro which is simply a shortcut for struct [[eosio::table]].

  • Added CONTRACT macro which is simply a shortcut for class [[eosio::contract]].

  • e.g. abitest.cpp

#include <eosiolib/eosio.hpp>
#include <optional> using namespace eosio; typedef int type_def; namespace test {
// mark this struct as an action
struct [[ eosio::action ]] testa {
void printddd() { print("testa"); }
int fielda;
float fieldb;
capi_name name;
}; struct testb {
float field;
void printll() { print("testb"); }
}; // mark this struct as an action and specify the name explicitly
struct [[ using eosio: action("testc"), contract("abitest") ]] test_c : testb {
uint64_t num;
} CONTRACT abitest : public eosio::contract {
using contract::contract; // mark this method as an action and specify the name explicity
[[ eosio::action("testacta") ]]
void testact_a( name user, const std::string& s, std::vector<int>& c, std::vector<std::string> sv ) {
print( "Hello, ", name{user} );
symbol sym("TEST", 4);
} // mark this method as an action
ACTION testactb( test::test_c input, type_def td, std::optional<int> cc, bool d ) {
} // mark this struct as a table and allow multi_index typedefs to define the tables
TABLE testtable {
uint64_t owner;
uint64_t third;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return owner; }
}; // mark this struct as a table and allow multi_index typedefs to define the tables, and specify a primitive table (non multi_index) with an explicit name
struct [[eosio::table("testtabb")]] test_table2 {
uint64_t owner;
uint64_t sec;
uint64_t third;
uint64_t primary_key() const { return owner; }
}; typedef eosio::multi_index< "testtab"_n, abitest::testtable > testtable_t;
typedef eosio::multi_index< "testtaba"_n, abitest::testtable > testtable_a_t;
typedef eosio::multi_index< "testtab2"_n, abitest::test_table2 > testtable2_t; #define EOSIO_DISPATCH_EX( TYPE, MEMBERS ) \
extern "C"
void apply(uint64_t, uint64_t, uint64_t){
auto self = receiver; \
if( action == "onerror"_n.value) { \
/* onerror is only valid if it is for the "eosio" code account and authorized by "eosio"'s "active permission */ \
eosio_assert(code == "eosio"_n.value, "onerror action's are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account"); \
} \
if( (code == self && action != "transfer"_n.value) || action == "onerror"_n.value || (code == "eosio.token"_n.value && action == "transfer"_n.value)) { \
switch( action ) { \
} \
/* does not allow destructor of thiscontract to run: eosio_exit(0); */ \
} \
} \
EOSIO_DISPATCH_EX( abitest, (testactb) )


  • Renamed the macro EOSIO_ABI to EOSIO_DISPATCH as this is more descriptive of what this macro actually does.
  • Modified the definition of EOSIO_DISPATCH to work with the new constructor for eosio::contrac
  • delete EOSIO_API and replace to EOSIO_DISPATCH_HELPER


extern "C" { \
void apply( uint64_t receiver, uint64_t code, uint64_t action ) { \
auto self = receiver; \
if( action == N(onerror)) { \
/* onerror is only valid if it is for the "eosio" code account and authorized by "eosio"'s "active permission */ \
eosio_assert(code == N(eosio), "onerror action's are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account"); \
} \
if( (code == self && action != N(transfer)) || action == N(onerror) || (code == N(eosio.token) && action == N(transfer))) { \
TYPE thiscontract( self ); \
switch( action ) { \
} \
/* does not allow destructor of thiscontract to run: eosio_exit(0); */ \
} \
} \
EOSIO_ABI_EX( monster,(transfer))
extern "C" { \
void apply( uint64_t receiver, uint64_t code, uint64_t action ) { \
auto self = receiver; \
if( action == "onerror"_n.value) { \
/* onerror is only valid if it is for the "eosio" code account and authorized by "eosio"'s "active permission */ \
eosio_assert(code == "eosio"_n.value, "onerror action's are only valid from the \"eosio\" system account"); \
} \
if( (code == self && action != "transfer"_n.value) || action == "onerror"_n.value || (code == "eosio.token"_n.value && action == "transfer"_n.value)) { \
switch( action ) { \
} \
/* does not allow destructor of thiscontract to run: eosio_exit(0); */ \
} \
} \

6.Removed eosiolib/core_symbol.hpp and change symbol.hpp

  • change contract function.Removed eosio::symbol_type struct and replaced with eosio::symbol class
struct symbol_type {
symbol_name value;
class symbol_code {
constexpr symbol_code() : value(0) {}
constexpr explicit symbol_code( uint64_t raw )
uint64_t value = 0;
  • Removed the S macro. The symbol constructor should be used as a type safe replacement
symbol(symbol_code("SYS"), 4) = symbol("SYS", 4)

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