log4j在日常开发中经常使用,但有时候对 配置文件应该放到什么位置有疑惑。现在我们通过从代码的角度来看待这个问题,










 static {
// By default we use a DefaultRepositorySelector which always returns 'h'.
Hierarchy h = new Hierarchy(new RootLogger(Level.DEBUG));
repositorySelector = new DefaultRepositorySelector(h); /** Search for the properties file log4j.properties in the CLASSPATH. */
String override =OptionConverter.getSystemProperty(DEFAULT_INIT_OVERRIDE_KEY,
null); // if there is no default init override, then get the resource
// specified by the user or the default config file.
if(override == null || "false".equalsIgnoreCase(override)) { String configurationOptionStr = OptionConverter.getSystemProperty(
null); String configuratorClassName = OptionConverter.getSystemProperty(
null); URL url = null; // if the user has not specified the log4j.configuration
// property, we search first for the file "log4j.xml" and then
// "log4j.properties"
if(configurationOptionStr == null) {
if(url == null) {
url = Loader.getResource(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE);
} else {
try {
url = new URL(configurationOptionStr);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// so, resource is not a URL:
// attempt to get the resource from the class path
url = Loader.getResource(configurationOptionStr);
} // If we have a non-null url, then delegate the rest of the
// configuration to the OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure
// method.
if(url != null) {
LogLog.debug("Using URL ["+url+"] for automatic log4j configuration.");
try {
OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(url, configuratorClassName,
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
LogLog.warn("Error during default initialization", e);
} else {
LogLog.debug("Could not find resource: ["+configurationOptionStr+"].");
} else {
LogLog.debug("Default initialization of overridden by " +



public LoggerRepository getLoggerRepository();




public interface LoggerRepository {
public void addHierarchyEventListener(HierarchyEventListener listener);
boolean isDisabled(int level);
public void setThreshold(Level level);
public void setThreshold(String val);
public void emitNoAppenderWarning(Category cat);
public Level getThreshold();
public Logger getLogger(String name);
public Logger getLogger(String name, LoggerFactory factory);
public Logger getRootLogger();
public abstract Logger exists(String name);
public abstract void shutdown();
public Enumeration getCurrentLoggers();
public abstract void fireAddAppenderEvent(Category logger, Appender appender);
public abstract void resetConfiguration();


Hierarchy是Log4J中默认对LoggerRepository的实现类,它用于表达其内部的Logger是以层次结构存储的。在对LoggerRepository接口的实现中,getLogger()方法是其最核心的实现,因而首先从这个方法开始。Hierarchy中用一个Hashtable来存储所有Logger实例,它以CategoryKey作为key,Logger作为value,其中CategoryKey是对Logger中Name字符串的封装,之所以要引入这个类是出于性能考虑,因为它会缓存Name字符串的hash code,这样在查找过程中计算hash code时就可以直接取得而不用每次都计算。


1. 判断配置文件有没有重写?

    /** Search for the properties file log4j.properties in the CLASSPATH.  */
String override =OptionConverter.getSystemProperty(DEFAULT_INIT_OVERRIDE_KEY,null);
//public static final String DEFAULT_INIT_OVERRIDE_KEY = "log4j.defaultInitOverride";
 publicstatic String getSystemProperty(String key, String def) {
try {
return System.getProperty(key, def);
} catch(Throwable e) { // MS-Java throws com.ms.security.SecurityExceptionEx
LogLog.debug("Was not allowed to read system property \""+key+"\".");
return def;

2. override为null或者为false时没有重写,然后从系统属性中查找key:log4j.configuration和log4j.configuratorClass属性。如果没有设置log4j.configuration属性,就查找log4j.xml,然后查找log4j.properties文件。使用方法:

     if(configurationOptionStr == null) {
if(url == null) {
url = Loader.getResource(DEFAULT_CONFIGURATION_FILE);



    try {
url = new URL(configurationOptionStr);
} catch (MalformedURLException ex) {
// so, resource is not a URL:
// attempt to get the resource from the class path
url = Loader.getResource(configurationOptionStr);

4. 如果log4j.configuration属性为url形式:

      // If we have a non-null url, then delegate the rest of the
// configuration to the OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure
// method.
if(url != null) {
LogLog.debug("Using URL ["+url+"] for automatic log4j configuration.");
try {
OptionConverter.selectAndConfigure(url, configuratorClassName,
} catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) {
LogLog.warn("Error during default initialization", e);
} else {
LogLog.debug("Could not find resource: ["+configurationOptionStr+"].");


The exact default initialization algorithm is defined as follows:

  1. Setting the log4j.defaultInitOverride system property to any other value then "false" will cause log4j to skip the default initialization procedure (this procedure).
  2. Set the resource string variable to the value of the log4j.configuration system property. The preferred way to specify the default initialization file is through the log4j.configuration system property. In case the system property log4j.configuration is not defined, then set the string variable resourceto its default value "log4j.properties".
  3. Attempt to convert the resource variable to a URL.
  4. If the resource variable cannot be converted to a URL, for example due to a MalformedURLException, then search for the resource from the classpath by calling org.apache.log4j.helpers.Loader.getResource(resource, Logger.class) which returns a URL. Note that the string "log4j.properties" constitutes a malformed URL.

    See Loader.getResource(java.lang.String) for the list of searched locations.

  5. If no URL could not be found, abort default initialization. Otherwise, configure log4j from the URL.

    The PropertyConfigurator will be used to parse the URL to configure log4j unless the URL ends with the ".xml" extension, in which case the DOMConfiguratorwill be used. You can optionaly specify a custom configurator. The value of the log4j.configuratorClass system property is taken as the fully qualified class name of your custom configurator. The custom configurator you specify must implement the Configurator interface.


1. http://www.2cto.com/kf/201207/139798.html

2. http://logging.apache.org/log4j/1.2/manual.html


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