
除法本质就是 被除数 - 商个除数相加 = 0


最快的方法还是 减去 商乘以除数。




19 比 3大, 比2个还3大,牛逼牛逼,比4个3大,你敢信?比8个3小。。


然后再看7/3,7比1个3大,比2个3大,那么分子就是7-2*3 = 1,结果是2+刚才的4=6。



然后各种edge case好贱。

public class Solution {
public int divide(int dividend, int divisor)
if(dividend == 0) return 0; long up = (long)dividend;
long down = (long)divisor; boolean pos = (up*down) >= 0;
up = Math.abs(up);
down = Math.abs(down); long res = 0;
while(up >= down)
int numOfDowns = 1; while(up > (down<<1))
{ down <<= 1;
numOfDowns <<= 1; } up -= down;
res += (long)numOfDowns;
down = Math.abs((long)divisor);
} if(res == (long)Integer.MIN_VALUE*(-1) && pos) return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
if(pos) return (int)res;
else return (int)res*-1;

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