1.在“User Interface”-“Dialogs”下,在All Dialogs右击“New Dialogs…”创建自己的Dialogs。

2.在“Behavior and Logic”-“InstallScript”下,在Files右击“New Script File”创建相应函数


      SdMakeName(szAppKey, DLG_ENTERLOGIN, "", nDlgEnterLogin);
      SilentReadData(szAppKey, "Result", DATA_NUMBER, szNil, nId);
      if((nId != BACK) && (nId != CANCEL)) then
          SilentReadData( szAppKey, "szUser", DATA_STRING, svUser, nNil );
          SilentReadData( szAppKey, "szPass", DATA_STRING, svPassword, nNil );
      return nId;

SdMakeName ( svSection, szDlg, szUnused, nvDlgName );

svSection :Specifies the section name (for example, "MyDlg-0"). InstallShield places a value into this variable using the variables szDlg and nvDlgName. This value is used by SilentReadData and SilentWriteData.


szDlg: Specifies the name of the custom dialog (for example, "MyDlg") for which to create a section name.


szUnused:This parameter is not used; pass a null string ("") in this parameter.


nvDlgName: Specifies the counter that records the number of times SdMakeName is called for the dialog named in szDlg. InstallShield automatically increments this counter.

For sections to be properly named, you must use a unique variable name in this parameter for each different custom dialog. A simple way to do this is to use the dialog name in szDlg to name the variable. For example, when szDlg is "MyDlgOne," name the variable in this parameter nvMyDlgOne, and when szDlg is "MyDlgTwo," name the variable nvMyDlgTwo.


Return Values



SilentReadData(szAppKey, "Result", DATA_NUMBER, szNil, nId);


SilentReadData (szSection, szValName, nValType, svVal, nvVal);



Specifies the name of the dialog data section in the .iss file. Do not include the square brackets ( [ ] ). The parameter szSection takes the form <functionname>-<number>, where <functionname> is the name of the dialog function as it is used in the script, and <number> is the number of the occurrence of that dialog in the script, beginning with 0 (zero). For example, the first occurrence of the MyDialog function dialog would have a value of "MyDialog-0" in szSection, the second occurrence "MyDialog-1," the third "MyDialog-2," and so on.



Specifies the value name that appears in the dialog data section of the .iss file. Every dialog has at least one value for szValName—"Result"—which identifies the value returned by the dialog button controls (BACK, NEXT, OK, or CANCEL). Other value names are used to identify values and data associated with the other dialog controls.



  • DATA_STRING—The value assigned to the value name in szValName is of type STRING. Its value will be stored in svVal.
  • DATA_NUMBER—The value assigned to the value name in szValName is of type NUMBER. Its value will be stored in nvVal.
  • DATA_COMPONENT—The value assigned to the value name in szValName is the name of a component It will be stored in svVal.
  • DATA_LIST—The value assigned to the value name in szValName is the list ID for an InstallScript list. It will be stored in nvVal.


  • DATA_STRING—字符串类型的保存在svVal中.
  • DATA_NUMBER—整数类型的保存在svVal中.
  • DATA_LIST—列表内容保存svVal中.

svVal:Specifies the value assigned to the value name in szValName when nValType is DATA_STRING or DATA_COMPONENT.


nvVal:Specifies the value assigned to the value name in szValName when nValType is DATA_NUMBER or DATA_LIST.



#define RES_PBUT_BACK        12   // ID of Back button

#define RES_EDITNAME        301   // ID of edit box

#define RES_EDITCOMPANY     302   // ID of edit box

CtrlSetText (szDialogName, RES_EDITNAME, "Your name");

CtrlSetText (szDialogName, RES_EDITCOMPANY, "Your company");

CtrlSetText (szDialogName, nControlID, szText);



< 0:CtrlSetText未能设置控件中的文本。



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