selenium python presence_of_element_located vs visibility_of_element_located
背景: 用WebDriverWait时,一开始用的是presence_of_element_located,我对它的想法就是他就是用来等待元素出现。结果屡屡出问题。元素默认是隐藏的,导致等待过早的就结束了。
Well, I would guess that presenceOfElementLocated
will be slighty faster because it's just check elements presence on the page while the visibilityOfElementLocated
has to check the presenceand whether is element visible.
But I think it really doesn't matter from the performance perspective (what's the point if you save 0.001 second during this checking?), you better choose appropriate method depending on your use case.
- use
when you don't care whether if element visible or not, you just need to know if it's on the page - use
when you need to find element which should be also visible
Look at the documentation for more info.
我猜 presence_of_element_located 肯定会稍微快一点,因为它仅仅检查了页面是否存在该元素,而visibility_of_element_located还必须检查元素是否存在以及元素是否可见。
- presence_of_element_located: 当我们不关心元素是否可见,只关心元素是否存在在页面中。
- visibility_of_element_located: 当我们需要找到元素,并且该元素也可见。
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