The example of callback in C++11 is shown below.

#include <functional>
void MyFunc1(int val1, int val2)
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << val1 + val2 << std::endl;
} void MyFunc2(int val1, int val2)
std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << val1 + val2 << std::endl;
} void FunctionBindTest(void)
std::function<void(int)> pb = std::bind(MyFunc1, , std::placeholders::_1);
pb = std::bind(MyFunc2, , std::placeholders::_1);

The output:

void MyFunc1(int, int)11

void MyFunc2(int, int)12

Another example to show the message handler or can be used for ISR in embedded system design.

class CallbackC
typedef std::function<void(std::string)> funcType;
* @brief Constructor
CallbackC() = default; /**
* @brief Destructor
~CallbackC() = default; /**
* @brief Set copy constructor as delete to prevent unintentional creation
CallbackC(const CallbackC& iValue) = delete; /**
* @brief Set copy assignment as delete to prevent unintentional creation
const CallbackC& operator=(const CallbackC& iValue) = delete;
static void RegisterMessage(uint8_t iMsgType, funcType iFunc);
static void ProcessMessage(uint8_t iMsgType, std::string iMsg);
static funcType mCallbacks[];

in C++ source file.

CallbackC::funcType CallbackC::mCallbacks[];

void CallbackC::RegisterMessage(uint8_t iMsgType, funcType iFunc)
mCallbacks[iMsgType] = ifunc;
} void CallbackC::ProcessMessage(uint8_t iMsgType, std::string iMsg)
} class SMSMessageC
void Run(std::string iValue){std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << iValue <<std::endl;};
}; class MMSMessageC
void Run(std::string iValue){std::cout << __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ << iValue << std::endl;};
}; void CallbackTest(void)
SMSMessageC sms;
MMSMessageC mms;
HW::CallbackC::RegisterMessage(, std::bind(&SMSMessageC::Run, &sms, std::placeholders::_1));
HW::CallbackC::RegisterMessage(, std::bind(&MMSMessageC::Run, &mms, std::placeholders::_1));
HW::CallbackC::ProcessMessage(, "my message");
HW::CallbackC::ProcessMessage(, "my message");

The output is:

void SMSMessageC::Run(std::__cxx11::string)my message

void MMSMessageC::Run(std::__cxx11::string)my message

So good! Is it? But the performance is lower than non-member or virtual member function call. The good idea is the SMSMessageC and MMSMessageC are not inherited from a same parent class.

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