A Slack user is trying to promote the new Byteball (WCG) distribution method (new WCG Bot in the BB wallet).  This morning, he already gave away shares of a 1GB reward to all Byteball users that were active participants in the program last week, and were part of the official WCG Byteball team (   Those users each ended up with a 25MB reward (~ $6.60) - not bad.

the participation of Tonyh, he has announced on Slack today a follow-up
giveaway: he is offering shares of another 1GB reward on May 19th.  To
be eligible to receive a share of this reward, the participants have,
again, to be active within the Byteball WCG distribution, AND be a
member of the official Byteball WCG Team.  Apparently, only 40% of the
Byteball WCG distribution users are also member of the official WCG
Byteball Team.  To increase this ratio to more than 75% by May 19th, he
is offering 1GB in reward.

To be part of this challenge, you first have to be an active member of the Byteball WCG Bot program (tutorial here:

you have to join, or switch to the official Byteball Team (to do so,
one has to select "My Team --> Find a Team" in their WCG account,
search, select and join the team

on May 19th, the Team active members count has to be at least 75% of the
number of participants receiving BB daily payouts (

is also mentioned that to be considered an active team member, you have
to contribute any amounts of WCG points to the team every day of the
challenge period - either since newly joining the Byteball WCG Bot
program, or, for current Byteball WCG Bot participants, since the
participant switched/joined the official team.

A quick guide to linking your wallet with WCG

Assuming you already installed the Byteball wallet.

Step 1 - Find the WCG bot in the Bot Store

Click the chat-button at the bottom of the wallet. Select the "Bot
Store" tab and locate the WCG Bot. Click on it and hit the huge "Add"

Step 2 - Create or edit your World Community Grid account

Whether you have an existing account at World Community Grid or not, the
bot will give you a username. If you don't already have an account,
create a new one and be sure to use the username given by the bot. If
you already have an account, go to "Settings" and click the "My Profile"
button on the left. It will ask for your username and password before
allowed to change anything. When validated, you can change your username
to that given by the bot.

Step 3 - Link your wallet and WCG account

Go back to the bot and click "Check my account". The bot will then
connect to World Community Grid and look for the account with the
username it gave you. If it finds a matching account, it will then
respond with "Your WCG account is successfully linked."

Step 4 - Choose your payout address

The bot will then ask which address you want rewards sent to. If you
want rewards sent to the wallet that is active when entering the chat
with the bot, simply click the three little dots at the bottom left and
click "Insert my address".

That's it! You're done now!

When everything is done and setup, the bot will tell you that setup has
been completed. You can then go to WCG and change your account name to
whatever you like (see steps above) - remember to also change the name
with the bot by clicking the "Change account name" link. The bot will
then ask what your new account name is, and validate that this was
indeed your new account name.

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