

[test@tester ~]$ cat /etc/issue
CentOS release 6.5 (Final)
Kernel \r on an \m [test@tester ~]$ uname -a
Linux tester 2.6.-431.11..el6.x86_64 # SMP Tue Mar :: UTC x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux


口令: test


工作目录: /work


下载地址: http://www.innovatedigital.com/download/hyperic_index.asp

下载安装文件: hyperic-hq-installer-x86-64-linux-  ,放在 /work/temp目录下

这里备注一下,我安装的是5.8.6这个版本,需要分别下载 hyperic-hq-installer-x86-64-linux-5.8.6.tar.gz 和 hyperic-hq-agent-x86-64-linux-5.8.6.tar.gz两个包,最后面的工作才能继续


[test@tester work]$ cd /work
[test@tester work]$ mkdir hq-zh
[test@tester work]$ cd temp
[test@tester temp]$ tar xzvf hyperic-hq-installer-x86-64-linux-
[test@tester temp]$ cd hyperic-hq-installer-
[test@tester hyperic-hq-installer-]$ ./setup.sh
Unpacking JRE to temporary directory /tmp/jre
Please ignore references to missing tools.jar
Unable to locate tools.jar. Expected to find it in /tmp/lib/tools.jar
Loading taskdefs...
Taskdefs loaded
Initializing Hyperic HQ Installation...
Choose which software to install:
1: Hyperic HQ Server
2: Hyperic HQ Agent
You may enter multiple choices, separated by commas.
HQ server installation path [default '/home/hyperic']:
Enter the fully qualified domain name of the SMTP server that HQ will use to send email messages [default '']: Enter the email address that HQ will use as the sender for email messages [default 'hqadmin@168.1.103']: Choices:
1: Yes
2: No
Would you like to use an auto generated encryption key to encrypt the database password? [default '1']: What should the username be for the initial admin user? [default 'hqadmin']: What should the password be for the initial admin user?: (输入初始口令 hqadmin)
(again): (再次输入初始口令 hqadmin)
What should the email address be for the initial admin user? [default 'hqadmin@168.1.103']: HQ agent installation path [default '/work/hq-zh']: Loading install configuration...
Install configuration loaded.
Preparing to install...
Validating agent install configuration...
Validating server install configuration...
Checking server webapp port...
Checking server secure webapp port...
Verifying admin user properties
Validating server DB configuration...
Installing the agent...
Looking for previous installation
Unpacking /work/temp/hyperic-hq-installer- to: /work/hq-zh/agent-
Setting permissions on /work/hq-zh/agent-
Setting permissions on /work/hq-zh/agent-
Setting permissions on agent binaries...
Fixing line endings on text files...
Installation Complete:
Agent successfully installed to: /work/hq-zh
You can now start your HQ agent by running this command: /work/hq-zh/agent- start
Installing the server...
Unpacking server to: /work/hq-zh...
Creating server configuration files...
Using "small" installing profile...
Copying binaries and libraries to server installation...
Copying server configuration file...
Copying server db-upgrade files...
Copying server libs...
Setting up server database... Now login to another terminal as root and execute this script: /work/temp/hyperic-hq-installer- This script sets up the proper shared memory settings to run the
built-in database. Press Enter after you run the script to continue this installation.

打开另一终端窗口,进入到 root 用户

[test@tester ~]$ su
[root@tester test]# /work/temp/hyperic-hq-installer-
/etc/sysctl.conf defined an adequate kernel.shmmax, not changing anything
Tuning completed successfully!
[root@tester test]#


Setting up JDBC driver...
Copying database files...
Configuring database...
Loading taskdefs...
Taskdefs loaded
Starting repopulation of configuration table...
Waiting for built-in database to start (on port 9432)...
Starting built-in database...
Preparing database...
Loading taskdefs...
Taskdefs loaded
Loading taskdefs...
Taskdefs loaded
Loading taskdefs...
Taskdefs loaded
Waiting for server to stop...
Stopping built-in database...
Built-in database stopped.
Installing the server JRE ...
Unpacking JRE amd64-linux-1.7_51.tar.gz to: /work/hq-zh/server-
Setting permissions on /work/hq-zh/server-
Setting permissions on server binaries...
Fixing line endings on text files...
Installation Complete:
Server successfully installed to: /work/hq-zh/server-
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- You can now start your HQ server by running this command: /work/hq-zh/server- start Note that the first time the HQ server starts up it may take several minutes
to initialize. Subsequent startups will be much faster. Once the HQ server reports that it has successfully started, you can log in
to your HQ server at:
username: hqadmin To change your password, log in to the HQ server, click the "Administration"
link, choose "List Users", then click on the "hqadmin" user. Setup completed.
A copy of the output shown above has been saved to:
/work/temp/hyperic-hq-installer- Deleting temporary JRE
[test@tester hyperic-hq-installer-]$


[test@tester hyperic-hq-installer-]$ cd /work/hq-zh/server-
[test@tester bin]$ ./hq-server.sh start
Starting HQ Server...
[test@tester bin]$ cd /work/hq-zh/agent-
[test@tester bin]$ ./hq-agent.sh start
Starting HQ Agent...... running (20732).
[ Running agent setup ]
What is the HQ server IP address:
Should Agent communications to HQ always be secure [default=yes]:
What is the HQ server SSL port [default=7443]:
- Testing secure connection ... Success
What is your HQ login [default=hqadmin]:
What is your HQ password:
What IP should HQ use to contact the agent [default=]:
What port should HQ use to contact the agent [default=2144]:
- Received temporary auth token from agent
- Registering agent with HQ
The server to agent communication channel is using a self-signed certificate and could not be verified
Are you sure you want to continue connecting? [default=no]: yes
- HQ gave us the following agent token
- Informing agent of new HQ server
- Validating
- Successfully setup agent
[test@tester bin]$


打开浏览器访问 http://X192.168.1.103:7080/



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