03-树2 List Leaves(25)
#include "bits/stdc++.h"
using namespace std;
struct TreeNode
int left, right;
int main() {
int n, i;
cin >> n;
string l, r;
bool isRoot[14];
memset(isRoot, 1, sizeof(isRoot));
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
cin >> l >> r;
if (l[0] != '-') {
tree[i].left = stoi(l);
isRoot[tree[i].left] = 0;
tree[i].left = -1;
if (r[0] != '-') {
tree[i].right = stoi(r);
isRoot[tree[i].right] = 0;
tree[i].right = -1;
int root;
for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
if (isRoot[i]) root = i;
//cout << "根节点: " << root << endl;
queue<int> q;
vector<int> v;
while (!q.empty()) {
int t = q.front();
//cout << t << ' ';
if (tree[t].left == -1 && tree[t].right == -1)
if (tree[t].left != -1)
if (tree[t].right != -1)
//cout << endl;
for (i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
cout << v[i];
if (i != v.size() - 1)
cout << ' ';
return 0;
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