LeetCode 937 Reorder Log Files 解题报告
You have an array of logs
. Each log is a space delimited string of words.
For each log, the first word in each log is an alphanumeric identifier. Then, either:
- Each word after the identifier will consist only of lowercase letters, or;
- Each word after the identifier will consist only of digits.
We will call these two varieties of logs letter-logs and digit-logs. It is guaranteed that each log has at least one word after its identifier.
Reorder the logs so that all of the letter-logs come before any digit-log. The letter-logs are ordered lexicographically ignoring identifier, with the identifier used in case of ties. The digit-logs should be put in their original order.
Return the final order of the logs.
class Solution:
def reorderLogFiles(self, logs: List[str]) -> List[str]:
final_logs = []
digit_logs = []
digits = ['0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9']
for log in logs:
idx = log.index(' ')
if log[idx+1] in digits:
final_logs.sort(key = lambda l:l[l.index(' ')+1:])
return final_logs
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