

创建用户msi:     useradd msi
切换到msi用户: su – msi
tar xvf /opt/MaterialsStudio70.tgz
cd MaterialsStudio70/
[msi@hpc MaterialsStudio70]$ ./install
Performing per-user installation of Materials Studio 7.0. Restart this
installation as root if you wish to perform an RPM-based installation. Please enter the location in which to install Materials Studio 7.0
The location where Materials Studio will be installed is <install location>/MaterialsStudio7. [/home/msi/Accelrys] 默认回车
The Accelrys License Pack is required in order to run Materials Studio 7.0.
Please enter the location of a License Pack installation, or an empty directory
into which the License Pack will be installed.
[/home/msi/Accelrys] 默认回车
/home/msi/Accelrys does not appear to contain a supported License Pack installation. Would you like to
install it to that location? [Y/n]
[Y] 默认回车
Do you wish to start the Gateway service after installation? Answer no here if
you wish to configure security settings before starting. (Y/n)
[Y] 默认回车

Running LicensePack installation...

Accelrys License Pack 7.6. - InstallShield Wizard

Welcome to the InstallShield Wizard for Accelrys License Pack 7.6.

The InstallShield Wizard will install Accelrys License Pack 7.6. on your
To continue, choose Next. Accelrys License Pack 7.6.
Accelrys Software Inc.
http://www.accelrys.com Press 1 for Next, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] 默认回车 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accelrys License Pack 7.6. - InstallShield Wizard Accelrys License Pack 7.6. Install Location Please specify a directory or press Enter to accept the default directory. Destination Directory [/home/msi/Accelrys] 默认回车 Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] 默认回车 Accelrys License Pack 7.6. - InstallShield Wizard Select the features for "Accelrys License Pack 7.6.9" you would like to
install: Accelrys License Pack 7.6. To select/deselect a feature or to view its children, type its number: . [x] LicensePack
. [ ] Compatibility LicensePack The Compatibility LicensePack is required for supporting Accelrys software
shipped with License Packs .x or lower and to support IRIX and Solaris
platforms. See License Pack documentation for complete list of Accelrys
software supported by this License Pack. Other options: . Continue installing Enter command [] 默认回车 Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] 默认回车 Accelrys License Pack 7.6. - InstallShield Wizard Accelrys License Pack 7.6. will be installed in the following location: /home/msi/Accelrys/LicensePack with the following features: LicensePack for a total size: 157.7 MB Press 1 for Next, 2 for Previous, 3 to Cancel or 5 to Redisplay [1] 默认回车 Accelrys License Pack 7.6. - InstallShield Wizard Installing Accelrys License Pack 7.6.. Please wait... |-----------|-----------|-----------|------------|
% % % % %
|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Creating uninstaller... Finalizing the Vital Product Data Registry. Please wait... Configuring License Pack -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Accelrys License Pack 7.6. - InstallShield Wizard The InstallShield Wizard has successfully installed Accelrys License Pack
7.6.. Choose Finish to exit the wizard. Press 3 to Finish or 5 to Redisplay [3] 默认回车 Running ConfigureMaterialsStudio.pl
Gateway configuration...
Port appears to be available right now...
Starting gateway at:
/home/msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio7./etc/Gateway/root_default/httpd/bin/apachectl start: httpd started
Gateway start succeeded - running as process .
Testing gateway installation for script u/dsd_test.pl
Running GET for url http://hpc:18888/dsd/commands/u/dsd_test.pl It works! ... This is the simple cgi test output ...
Test succeeded, it appears! ) Enter temporary license password
) Set connection to license server
) List command line license administration tools
) Finished with license configuration Choose one of the above options: 99 完成退出
Exiting program



yum install libstdc++-4.4.-.el6.i686



SERVER hpc  ANY 27000


~/Accelrys/LicensePack/linux/bin/lp_install msi_7.lic



cp ~msi/Accelrys/MaterialsStudio7./etc/Gateway/msgateway_control_18888 /etc/init.d/
chkconfig msgateway_control_18888 on
service msgateway_control_18888 restart







1)打开菜单Tools->Server Console,进入配置界面

2)右键选择Server Gateway新建一个Gateway

3)输入Linux服务器的ip地址,默认端口18888,点Run Diagnostics测试Gateway是否正常,如图所示验证成功,点OK关闭窗口



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