2014-05-10 22:17



A draw method is given, write a function to draw a chess board. The Draw method, draws a square and  has parameters row position, column position and color.




 // http://www.careercup.com/question?id=5649647234187264
// i for row, j for column, color represented as integer id.
// 0 for white, 1 for black.
void draw(int i, int j, int color); void drawChessBoard() {
int i; /*
b w b w b w b w
w b w b w b w b
b w b w b w b w
w b w b w b w b
b w b w b w b w
w b w b w b w b
b w b w b w b w
w b w b w b w b
*/ for (i = ; i < ; ++i) {
draw(i >> , i & , i + & );

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