Today,we learn about the cash flow.

Cash flow summary:

1.The cash flow identity:(现金恒等式)

cash flow from assets = cash flow ro creditors (bondholders) +cash flow to stockholders (owners)

What it reflect is the fact that a firm generates cash through its various activities, and that cash either is used to pay creditors or else is paid out to the owner of the firm.

2.Cash flow from assets:(源自资产的现金流)involves three components

cash flow from assets = operating cash flow - net capital spending - change in net working capital(NWC)


经营性现金流operating cash flow = earning before interest and taxes(EBIT) + depreciation -taxes

Operating cash flow refers to the cash flow that results from the firm's day-to-day activities of producing and selling.Expenses associated with the firm's financing of its assets are not included since they are not operating expenses.Operating cash flow is an important number because it tells us,on a very basic level,whether or not a firm's cash inflows from its business operation are sufficient to cover its everyday cash outflows.For this reason,a negative operating cash flow is often a sign of trouble.

To calculate operating cash flow(OCF),we want to calculate revenues minus costs,but wo don't want to include depreciation since it's not a cash outflow,and wo don't want to include interest because it's a financing expense.We do want to include taxes,because taxes are,unfortunately, paid in cash.

资本性支出net capital spending = ending net fixed assets - beginning net fixed assets + depreciation

Net capital spending is just money spent on fixed assets less money received from the sale of fixed assets.

净营运资本的变化change in NWC = ending NWC - beginning NWC(nwc = current assets - current liabilities) flow to creditors (bondholders)流向债权人的现金流

cash flow to creditors = interest paid(给) - net new borrowing(收) flow to stockholders (owners)流向股东的现金流

cash flow to stockholders = dividends paid(给) - net new equity raised(收)

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