#region --来自黄聪
void F1()
#region --创建cookies容器 添加Cookies和对应的URl(Hots主)
CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer(); //创建Cookie容器对象 (Cookies集合)
cc.Add(new System.Uri("http://localhost:19720/"), new Cookie("Mxx", "UserName=admin&Pwd=123456")); // "Mxx为cookie名"
//调用方法 来请求网址
string str = SendDataByPost("http://localhost:19720/Home/A1", "name=zhangsan&Pwd=123", ref cc); MessageBox.Show(str);
#region --同步通过POST方式发送数据
/// <summary>
/// 通过POST方式发送数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Url">url</param>
/// <param name="postDataStr">Post数据</param>
/// <param name="cookie">Cookie容器</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string SendDataByPost(string Url, string postDataStr, ref CookieContainer cookie)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url); //请求地址 if (cookie.Count == )
request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer(); //创建新的cookie容器对象
cookie = request.CookieContainer; //
request.CookieContainer = cookie; //设置请求的ecookes
} request.Method = "POST"; //请求方式
request.ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; //请求的内容类型
request.ContentLength = postDataStr.Length; //请求内容长度 Stream myRequestStream = request.GetRequestStream(); //获取用于写入请求数据的流对象 【联网建立连接】 //写入流
StreamWriter myStreamWriter = new StreamWriter(myRequestStream, Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); //使用GB2312编码写文件
myStreamWriter.Write(postDataStr); //将字符串写入流中
myStreamWriter.Close(); //关闭流写入对象 HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); //Response响应 //返回响应的资源 //读取流
Stream myResponseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); //获取流,该流用于读取来自服务器响应体
StreamReader myStreamReader = new StreamReader(myResponseStream, Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8")); //使用UTF-8编码读取文件
string retString = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); //读取流中的所有字符
myStreamReader.Close(); //关闭读取流对象 myResponseStream.Close(); //关闭当前流并释放与之关联的所有资源 return retString;
#endregion #region --同步通过GET方式发送数据
/// <summary>
/// 通过GET方式发送数据
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Url">url</param>
/// <param name="postDataStr">GET数据</param>
/// <param name="cookie">GET容器</param>
/// <returns></returns>
public string SendDataByGET(string Url, string postDataStr, ref CookieContainer cookie)
HttpWebRequest request = (HttpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(Url + (postDataStr == "" ? "" : "?") + postDataStr);
if (cookie.Count == )
request.CookieContainer = new CookieContainer();
cookie = request.CookieContainer;
request.CookieContainer = cookie;
} request.Method = "GET";
request.ContentType = "text/html;charset=UTF-8"; HttpWebResponse response = (HttpWebResponse)request.GetResponse(); //Response响应 //返回响应的资源 Stream myResponseStream = response.GetResponseStream(); //获取服务器返回的流
StreamReader myStreamReader = new StreamReader(myResponseStream, Encoding.GetEncoding("utf-8"));//使用utf-8编码读取文件
string retString = myStreamReader.ReadToEnd();
myResponseStream.Close(); return retString;
#endregion private void Test()
string url = "http://i.baidu.com/";
string cookie = "PSINO=6;"; CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer(); //创建cookie 容器对象
cc.SetCookies(new System.Uri(url), cookie); //将cookies指定的url string content = SendDataByGET(url, "", ref cc); Console.WriteLine(content);


        #region  --哈希表的使用
public static Hashtable getCookieMap()
string sPath = "d:\\cookie.txt";
Hashtable maps = new Hashtable();//创建哈希表对象 FileStream fs = new FileStream(sPath, FileMode.Open); //文件流对象.
StreamReader rf = new StreamReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); //读取cookie文本
string hm = "";
hm = rf.ReadLine(); } while (!rf.EndOfStream);//如果流当前流位置在结尾 结束循环 Console.WriteLine(hm); //输出 这个cookes文本中的字符串 String[] s1 = hm.Split(';'); //cookies文本中的字符串以 ";"号 分割 返回字符串数组
// Console.Write(s1.Length);
for (int i = ; i < s1.Length; i++) //遍历这个字符串数组
int pos = s1[i].IndexOf('='); //查找到 字符 '=' 的位置
String value = s1[i].Substring(pos + );//从=号位置+1 开始截取到最后
String name = s1[i].Substring(, pos); //从0开始截取到 = 号位置
name = name.Trim(); //移除字符串左右空白字符
//Console.WriteLine(name + ":" +value);
maps.Add(name, value); //哈希表中添加数据
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("读取文件错误:" + e.Message);
return null;
fs.Close(); //文件流关闭
rf.Close(); //流读取器
return maps; //返回这个哈希表对象
} //C#中遍历Hashtable的4种方法
static void testA()
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.Add("", "");
ht.Add("", "");
ht.Add("", "");
ht.Add("", ""); //遍历方法一:遍历哈希表中的键
foreach (string key in ht.Keys)
//Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}-{1}"), key, ht[key]);
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}-{1}", key, ht[key]));
foreach (string value in ht.Values)
foreach (DictionaryEntry de in ht)
Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}-{1}", de.Key, de.Value));
IDictionaryEnumerator myEnumerator = ht.GetEnumerator();
bool flag = myEnumerator.MoveNext();
while (flag)
Console.WriteLine(myEnumerator.Key + "-" + myEnumerator.Value);
// Console.WriteLine(ht[myEnumerator.Key]);//ht[myEnumerator.Key]== myEnumerator.Value=true;
flag = myEnumerator.MoveNext();
#endregion //test(i + ":" + postStr.Substring(i * maxByte, maxByte), maps) //截取1024个字符
public static bool test(string str, Hashtable maps)
bool ok = false; string content = "{\"threadId\": \"39369\", \"groupId\": \"101419\", \"groupType\": \"3\", \"title\": \"code\", \"content\": \"" + str + "\"}";
//Console.WriteLine(content); string url = "http://home.cnblogs.com/WebService/GroupService.asmx/AddThreadComment"; //请求地址
string host = "http://home.cnblogs.com"; //主域名 try
byte[] bs = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(content); //获取内容转换为字节数组形式
HttpWebRequest req = (HttpWebRequest)HttpWebRequest.Create(url);
req.Method = "POST";
req.ContentType = "application/json;charset=utf-8";
req.ContentLength = bs.Length;
//cookies 容器
CookieContainer cc = new CookieContainer();
cc.Add(new Uri(host), new Cookie("cnzz_a1708446", maps["cnzz_a1708446"].ToString()));
cc.Add(new Uri(host), new Cookie("ASP.NET_SessionId", maps["ASP.NET_SessionId"].ToString()));
cc.Add(new Uri(host), new Cookie(".DottextCookie", maps[".DottextCookie"].ToString())); req.CookieContainer = cc; //设置这个连接cookie using (Stream reqStream = req.GetRequestStream()) //建立数据连接
reqStream.Write(bs, , bs.Length);//向流中写入字节 序列 }
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(""); using (WebResponse wr = req.GetResponse()) //获得返回资源响应
System.IO.Stream respStream = wr.GetResponseStream(); //返回的数据流
System.IO.StreamReader reader = new System.IO.StreamReader(respStream, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312")); //读取返回的数据流
// int h = 0;
string t = "";
t = reader.ReadLine();
//这个地方自己搞定吧,简单地写了一下成功与否 ok = true;
} while (!reader.EndOfStream); //如果流当前流位置在结尾 结束循环
return ok;
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine("异常在getPostRespone:" + ex.Source + ":" + ex.Message);
return ok;
} static void Main(string[] args)
{ int maxByte = ;
bool isDebug = false; if (args.Length >= ) //测试 这段代码不会执行
maxByte = Int32.Parse(args[]);
if (args[] == "debug") //判断调试模式
isDebug = true;
} Hashtable maps = getCookieMap(); //读取cookies文件返回哈希表 try
string sPath = "d:\\data.txt";
FileStream fs = new FileStream(sPath, FileMode.Open);
StreamReader rf = new StreamReader(fs, System.Text.Encoding.GetEncoding("gb2312"));
string postStr = "";
string temp;
int i = ;
temp = rf.ReadLine();
postStr += temp; }
while (!rf.EndOfStream); //读取发送post请求的数据
int len = postStr.Length; //字符串长度 for (i = ; i < len / maxByte + ; i++) //长度/1025
if (i * maxByte + maxByte >= len)
//Console.WriteLine(postStr.Substring(i * maxByte, len - i * maxByte));
if (test(i + ":" + postStr.Substring(i * maxByte, len - i * maxByte), maps)) Console.WriteLine("post ok:" + i); if (isDebug) Console.ReadLine(); //这句话不执行
//Console.WriteLine(postStr.Substring(i * maxByte, maxByte));
if (test(i + ":" + postStr.Substring(i * maxByte, maxByte), maps))
Console.WriteLine("post ok:" + i); if (isDebug) Console.ReadLine(); //这句话不执行
} }
} }
catch (Exception e)
Console.WriteLine("读取文件错误:" + e.Message);
} }
catch (Exception ex)
Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + "----" + ex.Source);
} Console.WriteLine("over!");

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