











// binary search
// [f(m)<n, f(m)=n, f(m)>n]
// [l, r, r] (find min r)
// [l, l, r] (find max l)
// Attention:
// 1. make sure the initial value of l and r.
// 2. whlie (l<r-1).
// 3. l <= mid < r.
// 4. check if r(l) is the answer. #include <cstdio>
long long find(long long n){
long long ans=0;
while (n){
ans+=n/5; n/=5;
}return ans;
} long long search(long long n){
long long l=1, r=5e8;
while (l<r-1){
long long mid=(r+l)/2, m=find(mid);
if (m>=n) r=mid;
else l=mid;
if (find(r)==n) return r;
else return -1;
} int main(void){
int T; long long n; scanf("%d", &T);
for (int cnt=1; cnt<=T; cnt++){
scanf("%lld", &n);
long long ans=search(n);
if (ans>0) printf("Case %d: %lld\n", cnt, ans);
else printf("Case %d: impossible\n", cnt);
} return 0;
Time Memory Length Lang Submitted
20ms 1088kB 896 C++ 2018-05-17 18:18:26

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