平衡二叉树(Self-balancing Binary Search Tree)
Date: 2019-04-11 18:49:18
struct node
int data;
int height; //记录当前子树的高度(叶子->根)
node *lchild, *rchild;
}; //新建结点
node *newNode(int v)
node *root = new node;
root->data = v;
root->height = ;
root->lchild = root->rchild = NULL;
return root;
} //获取当前结点所在高度
int GetHeight(node *root)
if(root == NULL)
return ;
return root->height;
} //计算结点的平衡因子
int GetBalanceFactors(node *root)
return GetHeight(root->lchild)-GetHeight(root->rchild);
} //更新结点高度
void UpdataHeight(node *root)
root->height = max(GetHeight(root->lchild), GetHeight(root->rchild))+;
} //查找
void Search(node *root, int x)
if(root == NULL)
if(x == root->data)
else if(x < root->data)
Search(root->lchild, x);
Search(root->rchild, x);
} //左右旋互为逆操作
void LeftRotation(node *&root)
node *temp = root->lchild; //temp指向新的根结点B
root->rchild = temp->lchild; //B的左子树给A的右子树
temp->lchild = root; //B的左子树变为A
UpdataHeight(root); //更新结点高度
root = temp; //令B成为新的根结点
} //右旋
void RightRotation(node *&root)
node *temp = root->lchild;
root->lchild = temp->rchild;
temp->rchild = root;
root = temp;
} /*
1.LL: A==+2, A->lchild=+1
2.LR: A==+2, A->lchild=-1
A->lchild作为root进行左旋 --> 转化为LL
3.RR: A==-2, A->rchild=-1
4.RL: A==-2, A->rchild=+1
A->rchild作为root进行右旋 --> 转化为RR
*/ //插入
void Insert(node *&root, int v)
if(root == NULL)
root = newNode(v);
if(v < root->data)
Insert(root->lchild, v);
UpdataHeight(root); //更新树高
if(GetBalanceFactor(root) == )
if(GetBalanceFactor(root->lchild) == )
Insert(root->rchild, v);
if(GetBalanceFactor(root) == -)
if(GetBalanceFactor(root->rchild) == -)
} //建立
node *Create(int data[], int n)
node *root = NULL;
for(int i=; i<n; i++)
Insert(root, data[i]);
return root;
#include <cstdio>
const int M = ;
int pre[M]={,,,,,,,,,};
int in[M]={,,,,,,,,,};
struct node
int data;
node *lchild, *rchild;
}; node *Create(int preL, int preR, int inL, int inR)
if(preL > preR)
return NULL;
node *root = new node;
root->data = pre[preL];
int k;
for(k=inL; k<=inR; k++)
if(in[k] == root->data)
int numLeft = k-inL;
root->lchild = Create(preL+, preL+numLeft, inL, k-);
root->rchild = Create(preL+numLeft+, preR, k+, inR);
} int IsAvl = true;
int IsAVL(node *root)
if(root == NULL)
return -;
int bl = IsAVL(root->lchild)+;
int br = IsAVL(root->rchild)+;
if(bl-br> || bl-br<-)
IsAvl = false;
return bl>br?bl:br;
} int main()
freopen("Test.txt", "r", stdin);
#endif node *root = Create(,M-,,M-);
printf("No."); return ;
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