正则就是用一些具有特殊含义的符号组合到一起(称为正则表达式)来描述字符或者字符串的方法。或者说:正则就是用来描述一类事物的规则。(在Python中)它内嵌在Python中,并通过 re 模块实现。正则表达式模式被编译成一系列的字节码,然后由用 C 编写的匹配引擎执行。
- # =================================匹配模式=================================
- #一对一的匹配
- # 'hello'.replace(old,new)
- # 'hello'.find('pattern')
- #正则匹配
- import re
- #\w与\W
- print(re.findall('\w','hello egon 123')) #['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'e', 'g', 'o', 'n', '1', '2', '3']
- print(re.findall('\W','hello egon 123')) #[' ', ' ']
- #\s与\S
- print(re.findall('\s','hello egon 123')) #[' ', ' ', ' ', ' ']
- print(re.findall('\S','hello egon 123')) #['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', 'e', 'g', 'o', 'n', '1', '2', '3']
- #\n \t都是空,都可以被\s匹配
- print(re.findall('\s','hello \n egon \t 123')) #[' ', '\n', ' ', ' ', '\t', ' ']
- #\n与\t
- print(re.findall(r'\n','hello egon \n123')) #['\n']
- print(re.findall(r'\t','hello egon\t123')) #['\n']
- #\d与\D
- print(re.findall('\d','hello egon 123')) #['1', '2', '3']
- print(re.findall('\D','hello egon 123')) #['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o', ' ', 'e', 'g', 'o', 'n', ' ']
- #\A与\Z
- print(re.findall('\Ahe','hello egon 123')) #['he'],\A==>^
- print(re.findall('123\Z','hello egon 123')) #['he'],\Z==>$
- #^与$
- print(re.findall('^h','hello egon 123')) #['h']
- print(re.findall('3$','hello egon 123')) #['3']
- # 重复匹配:| . | * | ? | .* | .*? | + | {n,m} |
- #.
- print(re.findall('a.b','a1b')) #['a1b']
- print(re.findall('a.b','a1b a*b a b aaab')) #['a1b', 'a*b', 'a b', 'aab']
- print(re.findall('a.b','a\nb')) #[]
- print(re.findall('a.b','a\nb',re.S)) #['a\nb']
- print(re.findall('a.b','a\nb',re.DOTALL)) #['a\nb']同上一条意思一样
- #*
- print(re.findall('ab*','bbbbbbb')) #[]
- print(re.findall('ab*','a')) #['a']
- print(re.findall('ab*','abbbb')) #['abbbb']
- #?
- print(re.findall('ab?','a')) #['a']
- print(re.findall('ab?','abbb')) #['ab']
- #匹配所有包含小数在内的数字
- print(re.findall('\d+\.?\d*',"asdfasdf123as1.13dfa12adsf1asdf3")) #['123', '1.13', '12', '1', '3']
- #.*默认为贪婪匹配
- print(re.findall('a.*b','a1b22222222b')) #['a1b22222222b']
- #.*?为非贪婪匹配:推荐使用
- print(re.findall('a.*?b','a1b22222222b')) #['a1b']
- #+
- print(re.findall('ab+','a')) #[]
- print(re.findall('ab+','abbb')) #['abbb']
- #{n,m}
- print(re.findall('ab{2}','abbb')) #['abb']
- print(re.findall('ab{2,4}','abbb')) #['abb']
- print(re.findall('ab{1,}','abbb')) #'ab{1,}' ===> 'ab+'
- print(re.findall('ab{0,}','abbb')) #'ab{0,}' ===> 'ab*'
- #[]
- print(re.findall('a[1*-]b','a1b a*b a-b')) #[]内的都为普通字符了,且如果-没有被转意的话,应该放到[]的开头或结尾
- print(re.findall('a[^1*-]b','a1b a*b a-b a=b')) #[]内的^代表的意思是取反,所以结果为['a=b']
- print(re.findall('a[0-9]b','a1b a*b a-b a=b')) #[]内的^代表的意思是取反,所以结果为['a=b']
- print(re.findall('a[a-z]b','a1b a*b a-b a=b aeb')) #[]内的^代表的意思是取反,所以结果为['a=b']
- print(re.findall('a[a-zA-Z]b','a1b a*b a-b a=b aeb aEb')) #[]内的^代表的意思是取反,所以结果为['a=b']
- #\# print(re.findall('a\\c','a\c')) #对于正则来说a\\c确实可以匹配到a\c,但是在python解释器读取a\\c时,会发生转义,然后交给re去执行,所以抛出异常
- print(re.findall(r'a\\c','a\c')) #r代表告诉解释器使用rawstring,即原生字符串,把我们正则内的所有符号都当普通字符处理,不要转义
- print(re.findall('a\\\\c','a\c')) #同上面的意思一样,和上面的结果一样都是['a\\c']
- #():分组
- print(re.findall('ab+','ababab123')) #['ab', 'ab', 'ab']
- print(re.findall('(ab)+123','ababab123')) #['ab'],匹配到末尾的ab123中的ab
- print(re.findall('(?:ab)+123','ababab123')) #findall的结果不是匹配的全部内容,而是组内的内容,?:可以让结果为匹配的全部内容
- print(re.findall('href="(.*?)"','<a href="http://www.baidu.com">点击</a>'))#['http://www.baidu.com']
- print(re.findall('href="(?:.*?)"','<a href="http://www.baidu.com">点击</a>'))#['href="http://www.baidu.com"']
- #|
- print(re.findall('compan(?:y|ies)','Too many companies have gone bankrupt, and the next one is my company'))
- mport re
- # print(re.findall('\w','ab 12\+- *&_'))
- # \w
- # print(re.findall('\W','ab 12\+- *&_'))
- # print(re.findall('\s','ab \r1\n2\t\+- *&_'))
- # print(re.findall('\S','ab \r1\n2\t\+- *&_'))
- # print(re.findall('\d','ab \r1\n2\t\+- *&_'))
- # \d
- # print(re.findall('\D','ab \r1\n2\t\+- *&_'))
- # print(re.findall('\w_sb','egon alex_sb123123wxx_sb,lxx_sb'))
- # \w_sb
- # print(re.findall('\Aalex','abcalex is salexb'))
- # print(re.findall('\Aalex','alex is salexb'))
- # print(re.findall('^alex','alex is salexb'))
- # print(re.findall('sb\Z','alexsb is sbalexbsb'))
- # print(re.findall('sb$','alexsb is sbalexbsb'))
- # sb
- # print(re.findall('^ebn$','ebn1'))
- # ebn
- # print(re.findall('a\nc','a\nc a\tc a1c'))
- # 重复匹配:
- #. ? * + {m,n} .* .*?
- #1、.:代表除了换行符外的任意一个字符
- # print(re.findall('a.c','abc a1c aAc aaaaaca\nc'))
- # a.c
- # print(re.findall('a.c','abc a1c aAc aaaaaca\nc',re.DOTALL))
- #2、?:代表左边那一个字符重复0次或1次
- # print(re.findall('ab?','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb'))
- # ab?
- #3、*:代表左边那一个字符出现0次或无穷次
- # print(re.findall('ab*','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb a1bbbbbbb'))
- # ab*
- #4、+ :代表左边那一个字符出现1次或无穷次
- # print(re.findall('ab+','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb a1bbbbbbb'))
- # ab+
- #5、{m,n}:代表左边那一个字符出现m次到n次
- # print(re.findall('ab?','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb'))
- # print(re.findall('ab{0,1}','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb'))
- # print(re.findall('ab*','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb a1bbbbbbb'))
- # print(re.findall('ab{0,}','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb a1bbbbbbb'))
- # print(re.findall('ab+','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb a1bbbbbbb'))
- # print(re.findall('ab{1,}','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb a1bbbbbbb'))
- # print(re.findall('ab{1,3}','a ab abb abbb abbbb abbbb a1bbbbbbb'))
- #6、.*:匹配任意长度,任意的字符=====》贪婪匹配
- # print(re.findall('a.*c','ac a123c aaaac a *123)()c asdfasfdsadf'))
- # a.*c
- #7、.*?:非贪婪匹配
- # print(re.findall('a.*?c','a123c456c'))
- # ():分组
- # print(re.findall('(alex)_sb','alex_sb asdfsafdafdaalex_sb'))
- # (alex)_sb
- # print(re.findall(
- # 'href="(.*?)"',
- # '<li><a id="blog_nav_sitehome" class="menu" href="http://www.cnblogs.com/">博客园</a></li>')
- # )
- # <li><a id="blog_nav_sitehome" class="menu" href="http://www.cnblogs.com/">博客园</a></li>
- # href=".*?"
- # []:匹配一个指定范围内的字符(这一个字符来自于括号内定义的)
- # print(re.findall('a[0-9][0-9]c','a1c a+c a2c a9c a11c a-c acc aAc'))
- #当-需要被当中普通符号匹配时,只能放到[]的最左边或最 右边
- # print(re.findall('a[-+*]c','a1c a+c a2c a9c a*c a11c a-c acc aAc'))
- # print(re.findall('a[a-zA-Z]c','a1c a+c a2c a9c a*c a11c a-c acc aAc'))
- # []内的^代表取反的意思
- # print(re.findall('a[^a-zA-Z]c','a c a1c a+c a2c a9c a*c a11c a-c acc aAc'))
- # print(re.findall('a[^0-9]c','a c a1c a+c a2c a9c a*c a11c a-c acc aAc'))
- # print(re.findall('([a-z]+)_sb','egon alex_sb123123wxxxxxxxxxxxxx_sb,lxx_sb'))
- # [a-z]+_sb
- # | :或者
- # print(re.findall('compan(ies|y)','Too many companies have gone bankrupt, and the next one is my company'))
- # (?:):代表取匹配成功的所有内容,而不仅仅只是括号内的内容
- # print(re.findall('compan(?:ies|y)','Too many companies have gone bankrupt, and the next one is my company'))
- # print(re.findall('alex|sb','alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon'))
- # re模块的其他方法:
- # print(re.findall('alex|sb','123123 alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon'))
- # print(re.search('alex|sb','123213 alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon').group())
- # print(re.search('^alex','123213 alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon'))
- # print(re.search('^alex','alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon').group())
- # print(re.match('alex','alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon').group())
- # print(re.match('alex','123213 alex sb sadfsadfasdfegon alex sb egon'))
- # info='a:b:c:d'
- # print(info.split(':'))
- # print(re.split(':',info))
- # info=r'get :a.txt\3333/rwx'
- # print(re.split('[ :\\\/]',info))
- # print('egon is beutifull egon'.replace('egon','EGON',1))
- # print(re.sub('(.*?)(egon)(.*?)(egon)(.*?)',r'\1\2\3EGON\5','123 egon is beutifull egon 123'))
- # (123 )(egon)( is beutifull )(egon)( 123)
- #\1\2\3EGON\5
- # print(re.sub('(lqz)(.*?)(SB)',r'\3\2\1',r'lqz is SB'))
- # print(re.sub('([a-zA-Z]+)([^a-zA-Z]+)([a-zA-Z]+)([^a-zA-Z]+)([a-zA-Z]+)',r'\5\2\3\4\1',r'lqzzzz123+ is SB'))
- #(lqzzzz)(123+ )(is)( )(SB)
- pattern=re.compile('alex')
- print(pattern.findall('alex is alex alex'))
- print(pattern.findall('alexasdfsadfsadfasdfasdfasfd is alex alex'))
- #为何同样的表达式search与findall却有不同结果:
- print(re.search('\(([\+\-\*\/]*\d+\.?\d*)+\)',"1-12*(60+(-40.35/5)-(-4*3))").group()) #(-40.35/5)
- print(re.findall('\(([\+\-\*\/]*\d+\.?\d*)+\)',"1-12*(60+(-40.35/5)-(-4*3))")) #['/5', '*3']
- #看这个例子:(\d)+相当于(\d)(\d)(\d)(\d)...,是一系列分组
- print(re.search('(\d)+','').group()) #group的作用是将所有组拼接到一起显示出来
- #_*_coding:utf-8_*_
- __author__ = 'Linhaifeng'
- #在线调试工具:tool.oschina.net/regex/#
- import re
- s='''
- http://www.baidu.com
- egon@oldboyedu.com
- 你好
- 010-3141
- '''
- #最常规匹配
- # content='Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo'
- # res=re.match('Hello\s\d\d\d\s\d{3}\s\w{10}.*Demo',content)
- # print(res)
- # print(res.group())
- # print(res.span())
- #泛匹配
- # content='Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo'
- # res=re.match('^Hello.*Demo',content)
- # print(res.group())
- #匹配目标,获得指定数据
- # content='Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo'
- # res=re.match('^Hello\s(\d+)\s(\d+)\s.*Demo',content)
- # print(res.group()) #取所有匹配的内容
- # print(res.group(1)) #取匹配的第一个括号内的内容
- # print(res.group(2)) #去陪陪的第二个括号内的内容
- #贪婪匹配:.*代表匹配尽可能多的字符
- # import re
- # content='Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo'
- #
- # res=re.match('^He.*(\d+).*Demo$',content)
- # print(res.group(1)) #只打印6,因为.*会尽可能多的匹配,然后后面跟至少一个数字
- #非贪婪匹配:?匹配尽可能少的字符
- # import re
- # content='Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo'
- #
- # res=re.match('^He.*?(\d+).*Demo$',content)
- # print(res.group(1)) #只打印6,因为.*会尽可能多的匹配,然后后面跟至少一个数字
- #匹配模式:.不能匹配换行符
- content='''Hello 123456 World_This
- is a Regex Demo
- '''
- # res=re.match('He.*?(\d+).*?Demo$',content)
- # print(res) #输出None
- # res=re.match('He.*?(\d+).*?Demo$',content,re.S) #re.S让.可以匹配换行符
- # print(res)
- # print(res.group(1))
- #转义:\
- # content='price is $5.00'
- # res=re.match('price is $5.00',content)
- # print(res)
- #
- # res=re.match('price is \$5\.00',content)
- # print(res)
- #总结:尽量精简,详细的如下
- # 尽量使用泛匹配模式.*
- # 尽量使用非贪婪模式:.*?
- # 使用括号得到匹配目标:用group(n)去取得结果
- # 有换行符就用re.S:修改模式
- #re.search:会扫描整个字符串,不会从头开始,找到第一个匹配的结果就会返回
- # import re
- # content='Extra strings Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo Extra strings'
- #
- # res=re.match('Hello.*?(\d+).*?Demo',content)
- # print(res) #输出结果为None
- #
- # import re
- # content='Extra strings Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo Extra strings'
- #
- # res=re.search('Hello.*?(\d+).*?Demo',content) #
- # print(res.group(1)) #输出结果为
- #re.search:只要一个结果,匹配演练,
- import re
- content='''
- <tbody>
- <tr id="4766303201494371851675" class="even "><td><div class="hd"><span class="num">1</span><div class="rk "><span class="u-icn u-icn-75"></span></div></div></td><td class="rank"><div class="f-cb"><div class="tt"><a href="/song?id=476630320"><img class="rpic" src="http://p1.music.126.net/Wl7T1LBRhZFg0O26nnR2iQ==/19217264230385030.jpg?param=50y50&quality=100"></a><span data-res-id="476630320" "
- # res=re.search('<a\shref=.*?<b\stitle="(.*?)".*?b>',content)
- # print(res.group(1))
- #re.findall:找到符合条件的所有结果
- # res=re.findall('<a\shref=.*?<b\stitle="(.*?)".*?b>',content)
- # for i in res:
- # print(i)
- #re.sub:字符串替换
- import re
- content='Extra strings Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo Extra strings'
- # content=re.sub('\d+','',content)
- # print(content)
- #用\1取得第一个括号的内容
- #用法:将123与456换位置
- # import re
- # content='Extra strings Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo Extra strings'
- #
- # # content=re.sub('(Extra.*?)(\d+)(\s)(\d+)(.*?strings)',r'\1\4\3\2\5',content)
- # content=re.sub('(\d+)(\s)(\d+)',r'\3\2\1',content)
- # print(content)
- # import re
- # content='Extra strings Hello 123 456 World_This is a Regex Demo Extra strings'
- #
- # res=re.search('Extra.*?(\d+).*strings',content)
- # print(res.group(1))
- # import requests,re
- # respone=requests.get('https://book.douban.com/').text
- # print(respone)
- # print('======'*1000)
- # print('======'*1000)
- # print('======'*1000)
- # print('======'*1000)
- # res=re.findall('<li.*?cover.*?href="(.*?)".*?title="(.*?)">.*?more-meta.*?author">(.*?)</span.*?year">(.*?)</span.*?publisher">(.*?)</span.*?</li>',respone,re.S)
- # # res=re.findall('<li.*?cover.*?href="(.*?)".*?more-meta.*?author">(.*?)</span.*?year">(.*?)</span.*?publisher">(.*?)</span>.*?</li>',respone,re.S)
- #
- #
- # for i in res:
- # print('%s %s %s %s' %(i[0].strip(),i[1].strip(),i[2].strip(),i[3].strip()))
- import shelve
- f=shelve.open(r'sheve.txt')
- # f['stu1_info']={'name':'egon','age':18,'hobby':['piao','smoking','drinking']}
- # f['stu2_info']={'name':'gangdan','age':53}
- # f['school_info']={'website':'http://www.pypy.org','city':'beijing'}
- print(f['stu1_info']['hobby'])
- f.close()
- <?xml version="1.0"?>
- <data>
- <country name="Liechtenstein">
- <rank updated="yes">2</rank>
- <year>2008</year>
- <gdppc>141100</gdppc>
- <neighbor name="Austria" direction="E"/>
- <neighbor name="Switzerland" direction="W"/>
- </country>
- <country name="Singapore">
- <rank updated="yes">5</rank>
- <year>2011</year>
- <gdppc>59900</gdppc>
- <neighbor name="Malaysia" direction="N"/>
- </country>
- <country name="Panama">
- <rank updated="yes">69</rank>
- <year>2011</year>
- <gdppc>13600</gdppc>
- <neighbor name="Costa Rica" direction="W"/>
- <neighbor name="Colombia" direction="E"/>
- </country>
- </data>
- xml数据
xml协议在各个语言里的都 是支持的,在python中可以用以下模块操作xml:
- # print(root.iter('year')) #全文搜索
- # print(root.find('country')) #在root的子节点找,只找一个
- # print(root.findall('country')) #在root的子节点找,找所有
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
- tree = ET.parse("xmltest.xml")
- root = tree.getroot()
- print(root.tag)
- #遍历xml文档
- for child in root:
- print('========>',child.tag,child.attrib,child.attrib['name'])
- for i in child:
- print(i.tag,i.attrib,i.text)
- #只遍历year 节点
- for node in root.iter('year'):
- print(node.tag,node.text)
- #---------------------------------------
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
- tree = ET.parse("xmltest.xml")
- root = tree.getroot()
- #修改
- for node in root.iter('year'):
- new_year=int(node.text)+1
- node.text=str(new_year)
- node.set('updated','yes')
- node.set('version','1.0')
- tree.write('test.xml')
- #删除node
- for country in root.findall('country'):
- rank = int(country.find('rank').text)
- if rank > 50:
- root.remove(country)
- tree.write('output.xml')
- #在country内添加(append)节点year2
- import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET
- tree = ET.parse("a.xml")
- root=tree.getroot()
- for country in root.findall('country'):
- for year in country.findall('year'):
- if int(year.text) > 2000:
- year2=ET.Element('year2')
- year2.text='新年'
- year2.attrib={'update':'yes'}
- country.append(year2) #往country节点下添加子节点
- tree.write('a.xml.swap')
- # 注释1
- ; 注释2
- [section1]
- k1 = v1
- k2:v2
- user=egon
- age=18
- is_admin=true
- salary=31
- [section2]
- k1 = v1
- import configparser
- config=configparser.ConfigParser()
- config.read('a.cfg')
- #查看所有的标题
- res=config.sections() #['section1', 'section2']
- print(res)
- #查看标题section1下所有key=value的key
- options=config.options('section1')
- print(options) #['k1', 'k2', 'user', 'age', 'is_admin', 'salary']
- #查看标题section1下所有key=value的(key,value)格式
- item_list=config.items('section1')
- print(item_list) #[('k1', 'v1'), ('k2', 'v2'), ('user', 'egon'), ('age', '18'), ('is_admin', 'true'), ('salary', '31')]
- #查看标题section1下user的值=>字符串格式
- val=config.get('section1','user')
- print(val) #egon
- #查看标题section1下age的值=>整数格式
- val1=config.getint('section1','age')
- print(val1) #18
- #查看标题section1下is_admin的值=>布尔值格式
- val2=config.getboolean('section1','is_admin')
- print(val2) #True
- #查看标题section1下salary的值=>浮点型格式
- val3=config.getfloat('section1','salary')
- print(val3) #31.0
- import configparser
- config=configparser.ConfigParser()
- config.read('a.cfg',encoding='utf-8')
- #删除整个标题section2
- config.remove_section('section2')
- #删除标题section1下的某个k1和k2
- config.remove_option('section1','k1')
- config.remove_option('section1','k2')
- #判断是否存在某个标题
- print(config.has_section('section1'))
- #判断标题section1下是否有user
- print(config.has_option('section1',''))
- #添加一个标题
- config.add_section('egon')
- #在标题egon下添加name=egon,age=18的配置
- config.set('egon','name','egon')
- config.set('egon','age',18) #报错,必须是字符串
- #最后将修改的内容写入文件,完成最终的修改
- config.write(open('a.cfg','w'))
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