Rather than using Components to push streams into other Components, mapPropsStream allows you to create functions that can wrap components to create shareable behaviors across components.

Using componentFromStream:

import React from "react"
import { render } from "react-dom"
import { Observable } from "rxjs"
import config from "recompose/rxjsObservableConfig"
import {
} from "recompose" setObservableConfig(config)
//#endregion const Counter = props => <h1>{props.count}</h1> const CounterWithInterval = componentFromStream(
props$ => props$.switchMap(
props => Observable.interval(1000),
(props, count) => ({count, ...props})
) const App = () => (
<CounterWithInterval />
) render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"))

MapPropsStream allows you to create functions that will decorate your component, rather than creating a component itself. I'm going to create an interval here using MapPropsStream.

A mapProposStream version can be like this:

import React from "react"
import { render } from "react-dom"
import { Observable } from "rxjs"
import config from "recompose/rxjsObservableConfig"
import {
} from "recompose" setObservableConfig(config)
//#endregion const Counter = props => <h1>{props.count}</h1> const interval = mapPropsStream(props$ => props$.switchMap(
props => Observable.interval(1000),
(props, count) => ({ count, ...props })
)) const CounterWithInterval = interval(Counter) const App = () => (
<CounterWithInterval />
) render(<App />, document.getElementById("root"))

As you can see, we take the hightlighted part as own function, wrapped with 'mapPropsStream'.

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