const { List } = require('immutable-ext');

const Right = x => ({
chain : f => f(x),
ap : other =>,
traverse : (of, f) => f(x).map(Right),
map : f => Right(f(x)),
fold : (f, g) => g(x),
concat : o => o.fold(_ => Right(x), y => Right(x.concat(y))),
toString : () => `Right(${x})`
}) const Left = x => ({
chain : f => Left(x),
ap : other => Left(x),
traverse : (of, f) => of(Left(x)),
map : f => Left(x),
fold : (f, g) => f(x),
concat : o => o.fold(_ => Left(x), y => o),
toString : () => `Left(${x})`
}); const fromNullable = x => x != null ?
Right(x) :
Left(null); const tryCatch = f => {
try {
return Right(f())
catch( e ) {
return Left(e)
}; let stats = List.of({
page : 'Home',
view :
}, {
page : 'About',
view :
}, {
page : 'Help',
view :
}); const Sum = x => ({
concat : ({ x: y }) => Sum(x + y),
toString : () => `Sum(${x})`
Sum.empty = () => Sum(); const res = stats.foldMap(x => fromNullable(x.view)
.map(Sum), Right(Sum()));
console.log(res.toString()); // Right(Sum(54))

If change the data a litte bit:

let stats = List.of({
page : 'Home',
view :
}, {
page : 'About',
view :
}, {
page : 'Help',
view : null
}); const Sum = x => ({
concat : ({ x: y }) => Sum(x + y),
toString : () => `Sum(${x})`
Sum.empty = () => Sum(); const res = stats.foldMap(x => fromNullable(x.view)
.map(Sum), Right(Sum()));
console.log(res.toString()); // Right(Sum(50))

Because the view: null, then it will skip .map(sum).

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