HDU 5308 I Wanna Become A 24-Point Master
题目链接: http://acm.hdu.edu.cn/showproblem.php?pid=5308
I Wanna Become A 24-Point Master
Time Limit: 2000/1000 MS (Java/Others) Memory Limit: 65536/65536 K (Java/Others)
Total Submission(s): 602 Accepted Submission(s): 249
Special Judge
Quickly, Rikka solved almost all of the problems but the remained one is really difficult:
In this problem, you need to write a program which can get 24 points with
numbers, which are all equal to n.
Each testcase contains only one integer n (1≤n≤105)
If there is not any way to get 24 points, print a single line with -1.
Otherwise, let A
be an array with 2n−1
numbers and at firsrt Ai=n (1≤i≤n).
You need to print n−1
lines and the ith
line contains one integer a,
one char b
and then one integer c, where 1≤a,c<n+i
and b
is "+","-","*" or "/". This line means that you let
and Ac
do the operation b
and store the answer into An+i.
If your answer satisfies the following rule, we think your answer is right:
1. A2n−1=24
2. Each position of the array A
is used at most one tine.
3. The absolute value of the numerator and denominator of each element in array
is no more than 109
1 * 2
5 + 3
6 + 4
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;
int main()
int n,tmp;
// printf("%d:\n",n);
else if(n==4)
printf("1 * 2\n5 + 3\n6 + 4\n");
else if(n==5)
printf("1 * 2\n3 / 6\n4 - 7\n5 * 8\n");
else if(n==6)
printf("1 + 2\n3 + 4\n5 - 6\n7 + 8\n10 - 9\n");
else if(n==7)
printf("1 + 2\n3 + 8\n9 / 4\n10 + 5\n11 + 6\n12 + 7\n");
else if(n==8)
printf("1 + 2\n3 + 9\n4 - 5\n11 * 6\n12 * 7\n13 * 8\n10 + 14\n");
else if(n==9)
printf("1 + 2\n3 + 10\n4 / 5\n6 / 7\n8 / 9\n11 - 12\n15 - 13\n 16 - 14\n");
else if(n==10)
printf("1 + 2\n3 / 4\n5 / 6\n7 / 8\n9 / 10\n11 + 12\n16 + 13\n17 + 14\n18 + 15\n");
else if(n==11)
printf("1 + 2\n3 / 4\n5 / 6\n7 - 8\n15 * 9\n16 * 10\n17 * 11\n12 + 13\n19 + 14\n20 + 18\n");
else if(n==12)
printf("1 + 2\n3 - 4\n5 * 14\n6 * 15\n7 * 16\n8 * 17\n9 * 18\n10 * 19\n11 * 20\n12 * 21\n13 + 22\n");
else if(n==13)
printf("1 + 2\n3 / 4\n5 / 6\n7 - 8\n17 * 9\n18 * 10\n19 * 11\n20 * 12\n21 * 13\n22 + 14\n23 - 15\n24 - 16\n");
printf("1 + 2\n3 + 4\n5 + 6\n7 + 8\n9 + 10\n");
printf("%d + %d\n%d + %d\n%d + %d\n",n+1,n+2,n+3,n+4,n+5,n+6);
printf("%d / 11\n%d / 12\n",n+7,n+8);
printf("%d * %d\n",n+9,n+10);
printf("13 - 14\n");
int i;
printf("%d * %d\n",n+12+i,15+i);
printf("%d + %d\n",n+11,n+12+tmp);
// printf("\n");
return 0;
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