import tempfile
import subprocess
import shlex
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.io script_dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def get_windows(image_fnames, cmd='selective_search_rcnn',image_tag):
Run MATLAB Selective Search code on the given image filenames to
generate window proposals. Parameters
image_filenames: strings
Paths to images to run on.
cmd: string
selective search function to call:
- 'selective_search' for a few quick proposals
- 'selective_seach_rcnn' for R-CNN configuration for more coverage.
# Form the MATLAB script command that processes images and write to
# temporary results file.
f, output_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = '{}'.format(image_tag),suffix='.mat',dir='/home/bnrc/formatm')
fnames_cell = '{' + ','.join("'{}'".format(x) for x in image_fnames) + '}'
command = "{}({}, '{}')".format(cmd, fnames_cell, output_filename)
print(command) # Execute command in MATLAB.
mc = "matlab -nojvm -r \"try; {}; catch; exit; end; exit\"".format(command)
pid = subprocess.Popen(
shlex.split(mc), stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), cwd=script_dirname)
retcode = pid.wait()
if retcode != 0:
raise Exception("Matlab script did not exit successfully!") # Read the results and undo Matlab's 1-based indexing.
all_boxes = list(scipy.io.loadmat(output_filename)['all_boxes'][0])
subtractor = np.array((1, 1, 0, 0))[np.newaxis, :]
all_boxes = [boxes - subtractor for boxes in all_boxes] # Remove temporary file, and return.
if len(all_boxes) != len(image_fnames):
raise Exception("Something went wrong computing the windows!")
return all_boxes if __name__ == '__main__':
Run a demo.
import time
image_tag = '/000015.jpg'
image_filenames = [
script_dirname + '/000015.jpg',
script_dirname + '/cat.jpg'
t = time.time()
#boxes = get_windows(image_filenames)
boxes = get_windows(image_filenames,cmd='selective_search_rcnn',image_tag)
print("Processed {} images in {:.3f} s".format(
len(image_filenames), time.time() - t))
import tempfile
import subprocess
import shlex
import os
import numpy as np
import scipy.io script_dirname = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__)) def get_windows(image_fnames, image_tag,cmd='selective_search_rcnn'):
Run MATLAB Selective Search code on the given image filenames to
generate window proposals. Parameters
image_filenames: strings
Paths to images to run on.
cmd: string
selective search function to call:
- 'selective_search' for a few quick proposals
- 'selective_seach_rcnn' for R-CNN configuration for more coverage.
# Form the MATLAB script command that processes images and write to
# temporary results file.
f, output_filename = tempfile.mkstemp(prefix = '{}'.format(image_tag),suffix='.mat',dir='/home/bnrc/formatm')
fnames_cell = '{' + ','.join("'{}'".format(x) for x in image_fnames) + '}'
command = "{}({}, '{}')".format(cmd, fnames_cell, output_filename)
print(command) # Execute command in MATLAB.
mc = "matlab -nojvm -r \"try; {}; catch; exit; end; exit\"".format(command)
pid = subprocess.Popen(
shlex.split(mc), stdout=open('/dev/null', 'w'), cwd=script_dirname)
retcode = pid.wait()
if retcode != 0:
raise Exception("Matlab script did not exit successfully!") # Read the results and undo Matlab's 1-based indexing.
all_boxes = list(scipy.io.loadmat(output_filename)['all_boxes'][0])
subtractor = np.array((1, 1, 0, 0))[np.newaxis, :]
all_boxes = [boxes - subtractor for boxes in all_boxes] # Remove temporary file, and return.
if len(all_boxes) != len(image_fnames):
raise Exception("Something went wrong computing the windows!")
return all_boxes if __name__ == '__main__':
Run a demo.
import time
image_tag = '/000015.jpg'
image_filenames = [
script_dirname + '/000015.jpg',
script_dirname + '/cat.jpg'
t = time.time()
#boxes = get_windows(image_filenames)
boxes = get_windows(image_filenames,image_tag)
print("Processed {} images in {:.3f} s".format(
len(image_filenames), time.time() - t))
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