#sourceFolder = /home/bigdatagfts/pl62716/refdata
#targetFolder = /home/bigdatagfts/pl62716/refdata_target
if [ $# != ] ; then
echo "USAGE: $0 sourceFolder hdfsFolder"
echo " e.g.: $0 /home/bigdatagfts/pl62716/refdata /home/bigdatagfts/pl62716/refdata_target"
exit ;
if [ ! -d "$sourceFolder" ];then
echo "$sourceFolder is not exist, please check!"
exit ;
if [ ! -d "$targetFolder" ];then
echo "$targetFolder is not exist! create $targetFolder !"
mkdir -p "$targetFolder" fi
echo "delete lines which begin with H/T and store to dir $targetFolder"
cd $sourceFolder
for file in `ls`
if test -f $file
if [ -f "$targetFolder/$file" ]; then
rm $targetFolder/$file
sed '/^H\|^T/'d $file | cat -n > $targetFolder/$file

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