Let us call P(n) - the product of all digits of number n (in decimal notation). 
For example, P(1243)=1*2*4*3=24; P(198501243)=0. 
Let us call n to be a good number, if (p(n)<>0) and (n mod P(n)=0). 
Let us call n to be a perfect number, if both n and n+1 are good numbers.

You are to write a program, which, given the number K, counts all such 
numbers n that n is perfect and n contains exactly K digits in decimal notation.

Only one number K (1<=K<=1000000) is written in input.
Output the total number of perfect k-digit numbers.
Sample test(s)

题意:一道很有意思的题,规律是通过计算,得到k位数除个位数之外,所有的非个位数都为1,所以只需看最后一位的情况与前面组成的数能构成多少perfect number


因为要求n mod P(n)=0,所以有n=s1*a1*a2···*ak,n+1=s2*a1*a2···*(ak+1)

在此处s1与s2因为n mod P(n)=0所以肯定是整数(因为n一定是P(n)的m倍),所以有1=[s2*(ak+1)-s1*ak]*a1*a2···ak-1



x=1,   perfect numbers

x=2,   当6|(k-1)时是perfect numbers



x=5,当3|(k-1)时是perfect numbers

x=6,当6|(k-1)时是perfect numbers




using namespace std;
int k;
int main()
int ans=;
if(!k) puts("");
if(k%==) ans+=;
if(k%==) ans++;
return ;

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