[13:32:10.120] {main} WEB-INF/web.xml:42: 'listener-class' is an unknown property of 'com.caucho.config.types.InterfaceConfig'.
[13:32:10.120] {main}
[13:32:10.120] {main} 40:
[13:32:10.120] {main} 41: <listener>
[13:32:10.120] {main} 42: <listener-class>
[13:32:10.120] {main} 43: org.springframework.web.context.ContextLoaderListener
[13:32:10.120] {main} 44: </listener-class>
[13:32:10.120] {main}
com.caucho.config.LineConfigException: WEB-INF/web.xml:3: `XXX' is not a known servlet.
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