This filter looks at the incoming URL maps them to handlers defined in solrconfig.xml
HttpSolrCall call = getHttpSolrCall((HttpServletRequest) request, (HttpServletResponse) response, retry);
try {
Action result =;
switch (result) {
chain.doFilter(request, response);
case RETRY:
doFilter(request, response, chain, true);
request.getRequestDispatcher(call.getPath()).forward(request, response);
} finally {
final Method reqMethod = Method.getMethod(req.getMethod());
HttpCacheHeaderUtil.setCacheControlHeader(config, resp, reqMethod);
// unless we have been explicitly told not to, do cache validation
// if we fail cache validation, execute the query
if (config.getHttpCachingConfig().isNever304() ||
!HttpCacheHeaderUtil.doCacheHeaderValidation(solrReq, req, reqMethod, resp)) {
SolrQueryResponse solrRsp = new SolrQueryResponse();
/* even for HEAD requests, we need to execute the handler to
* ensure we don't get an error (and to make sure the correct
* QueryResponseWriter is selected and we get the correct
* Content-Type)
SolrRequestInfo.setRequestInfo(new SolrRequestInfo(solrReq, solrRsp));
HttpCacheHeaderUtil.checkHttpCachingVeto(solrRsp, resp, reqMethod);
Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> headers = solrRsp.httpHeaders();
while (headers.hasNext()) {
Map.Entry<String, String> entry =;
resp.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue());
QueryResponseWriter responseWriter = core.getQueryResponseWriter(solrReq);
if (invalidStates != null) solrReq.getContext().put(CloudSolrClient.STATE_VERSION, invalidStates);
writeResponse(solrRsp, responseWriter, reqMethod);
return RETURN;
public void execute(SolrRequestHandler handler, SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) {
if (handler==null) {
String msg = "Null Request Handler '" +
req.getParams().get(CommonParams.QT) + "'"; if (log.isWarnEnabled()) log.warn(logid + msg + ":" + req); throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, msg);
} preDecorateResponse(req, rsp); if (requestLog.isDebugEnabled() && rsp.getToLog().size() > 0) {
// log request at debug in case something goes wrong and we aren't able to log later
} // TODO: this doesn't seem to be working correctly and causes problems with the example server and distrib (for example /spell)
// if (req.getParams().getBool(ShardParams.IS_SHARD,false) && !(handler instanceof SearchHandler))
// throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST,"isShard is only acceptable with search handlers"); handler.handleRequest(req,rsp);
postDecorateResponse(handler, req, rsp); if (rsp.getToLog().size() > 0) {
if (requestLog.isInfoEnabled()) {;
} if (log.isWarnEnabled() && slowQueryThresholdMillis >= 0) {
final long qtime = (long) (req.getRequestTimer().getTime());
if (qtime >= slowQueryThresholdMillis) {
log.warn("slow: " + rsp.getToLogAsString(logid));
* Initializes the {@link org.apache.solr.request.SolrRequestHandler} by creating three {@link org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams} named.
* <table border="1" summary="table of parameters">
* <tr><th>Name</th><th>Description</th></tr>
* <tr><td>defaults</td><td>Contains all of the named arguments contained within the list element named "defaults".</td></tr>
* <tr><td>appends</td><td>Contains all of the named arguments contained within the list element named "appends".</td></tr>
* <tr><td>invariants</td><td>Contains all of the named arguments contained within the list element named "invariants".</td></tr>
* </table>
* Example:
* <pre>
* <lst name="defaults">
* <str name="echoParams">explicit</str>
* <str name="qf">text^0.5 features^1.0 name^1.2 sku^1.5 id^10.0</str>
* <str name="mm">2<-1 5<-2 6<90%</str>
* <str name="bq">incubationdate_dt:[* TO NOW/DAY-1MONTH]^2.2</str>
* </lst>
* <lst name="appends">
* <str name="fq">inStock:true</str>
* </lst>
* <lst name="invariants">
* <str name="facet.field">cat</str>
* <str name="facet.field">manu_exact</str>
* <str name="facet.query">price:[* TO 500]</str>
* <str name="facet.query">price:[500 TO *]</str>
* </lst>
* </pre>
* @param args The {@link org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList} to initialize from
* @see #handleRequest(org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest, org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse)
* @see #handleRequestBody(org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest, org.apache.solr.response.SolrQueryResponse)
* @see org.apache.solr.util.SolrPluginUtils#setDefaults(org.apache.solr.request.SolrQueryRequest, org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams, org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams, org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams)
* @see SolrParams#toSolrParams(org.apache.solr.common.util.NamedList)
* See also the example solrconfig.xml located in the Solr codebase (example/solr/conf).
public void handleRequest(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) {
TimerContext timer = requestTimes.time();
try {
if(pluginInfo != null && pluginInfo.attributes.containsKey(USEPARAM)) req.getContext().put(USEPARAM,pluginInfo.attributes.get(USEPARAM));
SolrPluginUtils.setDefaults(this, req, defaults, appends, invariants);
handleRequestBody( req, rsp );
// count timeouts
NamedList header = rsp.getResponseHeader();
if(header != null) {
Object partialResults = header.get("partialResults");
boolean timedOut = partialResults == null ? false : (Boolean)partialResults;
if( timedOut ) {
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e instanceof SolrException) {
SolrException se = (SolrException)e;
if (se.code() == SolrException.ErrorCode.CONFLICT.code) {
// TODO: should we allow this to be counted as an error (numErrors++)? } else {
} else {
if (e instanceof SyntaxError) {
e = new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, e);
} rsp.setException(e);
finally {
public void handleRequestBody(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp) throws Exception
List<SearchComponent> components = getComponents();
ResponseBuilder rb = new ResponseBuilder(req, rsp, components);
if (rb.requestInfo != null) {
} boolean dbg = req.getParams().getBool(CommonParams.DEBUG_QUERY, false);
if (dbg == false){//if it's true, we are doing everything anyway.
SolrPluginUtils.getDebugInterests(req.getParams().getParams(CommonParams.DEBUG), rb);
} final RTimerTree timer = rb.isDebug() ? req.getRequestTimer() : null; final ShardHandler shardHandler1 = getAndPrepShardHandler(req, rb); // creates a ShardHandler object only if it's needed if (timer == null) {
// non-debugging prepare phase
for( SearchComponent c : components ) {
} else {
// debugging prepare phase
RTimerTree subt = timer.sub( "prepare" );
for( SearchComponent c : components ) {
rb.setTimer( subt.sub( c.getName() ) );
} if (!rb.isDistrib) {
// a normal non-distributed request long timeAllowed = req.getParams().getLong(CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED, -1L);
if (timeAllowed > 0L) {
try {
// The semantics of debugging vs not debugging are different enough that
// it makes sense to have two control loops
if(!rb.isDebug()) {
// Process
for( SearchComponent c : components ) {
else {
// Process
RTimerTree subt = timer.sub( "process" );
for( SearchComponent c : components ) {
rb.setTimer( subt.sub( c.getName() ) );
subt.stop(); // add the timing info
if (rb.isDebugTimings()) {
rb.addDebugInfo("timing", timer.asNamedList() );
} catch (ExitableDirectoryReader.ExitingReaderException ex) {
log.warn( "Query: " + req.getParamString() + "; " + ex.getMessage());
SolrDocumentList r = (SolrDocumentList) rb.rsp.getValues().get("response");
if(r == null)
r = new SolrDocumentList();
rb.rsp.add("response", r);
if(rb.isDebug()) {
NamedList debug = new NamedList();
debug.add("explain", new NamedList());
rb.rsp.add("debug", debug);
rb.rsp.getResponseHeader().add("partialResults", Boolean.TRUE);
} finally {
} else {
// a distributed request if (rb.outgoing == null) {
rb.outgoing = new LinkedList<>();
rb.finished = new ArrayList<>(); int nextStage = 0;
do {
rb.stage = nextStage;
nextStage = ResponseBuilder.STAGE_DONE; // call all components
for( SearchComponent c : components ) {
// the next stage is the minimum of what all components report
nextStage = Math.min(nextStage, c.distributedProcess(rb));
} // check the outgoing queue and send requests
while (rb.outgoing.size() > 0) { // submit all current request tasks at once
while (rb.outgoing.size() > 0) {
ShardRequest sreq = rb.outgoing.remove(0);
sreq.actualShards = sreq.shards;
if (sreq.actualShards==ShardRequest.ALL_SHARDS) {
sreq.actualShards = rb.shards;
sreq.responses = new ArrayList<>(sreq.actualShards.length); // presume we'll get a response from each shard we send to // TODO: map from shard to address[]
for (String shard : sreq.actualShards) {
ModifiableSolrParams params = new ModifiableSolrParams(sreq.params);
params.remove(ShardParams.SHARDS); // not a top-level request
params.set(CommonParams.DISTRIB, "false"); // not a top-level request
params.set(ShardParams.IS_SHARD, true); // a sub (shard) request
params.set(ShardParams.SHARDS_PURPOSE, sreq.purpose);
params.set(ShardParams.SHARD_URL, shard); // so the shard knows what was asked
if (rb.requestInfo != null) {
// we could try and detect when this is needed, but it could be tricky
params.set("NOW", Long.toString(rb.requestInfo.getNOW().getTime()));
String shardQt = params.get(ShardParams.SHARDS_QT);
if (shardQt != null) {
params.set(CommonParams.QT, shardQt);
} else {
// for distributed queries that don't include shards.qt, use the original path
// as the default but operators need to update their luceneMatchVersion to enable
// this behavior since it did not work this way prior to 5.1
if (req.getCore().getSolrConfig().luceneMatchVersion.onOrAfter(Version.LUCENE_5_1_0)) {
String reqPath = (String) req.getContext().get(PATH);
if (!"/select".equals(reqPath)) {
params.set(CommonParams.QT, reqPath);
} // else if path is /select, then the qt gets passed thru if set
} else {
// this is the pre-5.1 behavior, which translates to sending the shard request to /select
shardHandler1.submit(sreq, shard, params);
} // now wait for replies, but if anyone puts more requests on
// the outgoing queue, send them out immediately (by exiting
// this loop)
boolean tolerant = rb.req.getParams().getBool(ShardParams.SHARDS_TOLERANT, false);
while (rb.outgoing.size() == 0) {
ShardResponse srsp = tolerant ?
if (srsp == null) break; // no more requests to wait for // Was there an exception?
if (srsp.getException() != null) {
// If things are not tolerant, abort everything and rethrow
if(!tolerant) {
if (srsp.getException() instanceof SolrException) {
throw (SolrException)srsp.getException();
} else {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, srsp.getException());
} else {
if(rsp.getResponseHeader().get("partialResults") == null) {
rsp.getResponseHeader().add("partialResults", Boolean.TRUE);
} rb.finished.add(srsp.getShardRequest()); // let the components see the responses to the request
for(SearchComponent c : components) {
c.handleResponses(rb, srsp.getShardRequest());
} for(SearchComponent c : components) {
} // we are done when the next stage is MAX_VALUE
} while (nextStage != Integer.MAX_VALUE);
} // SOLR-5550: still provide if requested even for a short circuited distrib request
if(!rb.isDistrib && req.getParams().getBool(ShardParams.SHARDS_INFO, false) && rb.shortCircuitedURL != null) {
NamedList<Object> shardInfo = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>();
SimpleOrderedMap<Object> nl = new SimpleOrderedMap<Object>();
if (rsp.getException() != null) {
Throwable cause = rsp.getException();
if (cause instanceof SolrServerException) {
cause = ((SolrServerException)cause).getRootCause();
} else {
if (cause.getCause() != null) {
cause = cause.getCause();
nl.add("error", cause.toString() );
StringWriter trace = new StringWriter();
cause.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(trace));
nl.add("trace", trace.toString() );
else {
nl.add("numFound", rb.getResults().docList.matches());
nl.add("maxScore", rb.getResults().docList.maxScore());
nl.add("shardAddress", rb.shortCircuitedURL);
nl.add("time", req.getRequestTimer().getTime()); // elapsed time of this request so far int pos = rb.shortCircuitedURL.indexOf("://");
String shardInfoName = pos != -1 ? rb.shortCircuitedURL.substring(pos+3) : rb.shortCircuitedURL;
shardInfo.add(shardInfoName, nl);
1. 单机QueryComponent处理请求:
* Actually run the query
public void process(ResponseBuilder rb) throws IOException
LOG.debug("process: {}", rb.req.getParams()); SolrQueryRequest req = rb.req;
SolrParams params = req.getParams();
if (!params.getBool(COMPONENT_NAME, true)) {
SolrIndexSearcher searcher = req.getSearcher(); StatsCache statsCache = req.getCore().getStatsCache(); int purpose = params.getInt(ShardParams.SHARDS_PURPOSE, ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_TOP_IDS);
if ((purpose & ShardRequest.PURPOSE_GET_TERM_STATS) != 0) {
statsCache.returnLocalStats(rb, searcher);
// check if we need to update the local copy of global dfs
if ((purpose & ShardRequest.PURPOSE_SET_TERM_STATS) != 0) {
// retrieve from request and update local cache
} SolrQueryResponse rsp = rb.rsp;
IndexSchema schema = searcher.getSchema(); // Optional: This could also be implemented by the top-level searcher sending
// a filter that lists the ids... that would be transparent to
// the request handler, but would be more expensive (and would preserve score
// too if desired).
String ids = params.get(ShardParams.IDS);
if (ids != null) {
SchemaField idField = schema.getUniqueKeyField();
List<String> idArr = StrUtils.splitSmart(ids, ",", true);
int[] luceneIds = new int[idArr.size()];
int docs = 0;
for (int i=0; i<idArr.size(); i++) {
int id = searcher.getFirstMatch(
new Term(idField.getName(), idField.getType().toInternal(idArr.get(i))));
if (id >= 0)
luceneIds[docs++] = id;
} DocListAndSet res = new DocListAndSet();
res.docList = new DocSlice(0, docs, luceneIds, null, docs, 0);
if (rb.isNeedDocSet()) {
// TODO: create a cache for this!
List<Query> queries = new ArrayList<>();
List<Query> filters = rb.getFilters();
if (filters != null) queries.addAll(filters);
res.docSet = searcher.getDocSet(queries);
rb.setResults(res); ResultContext ctx = new ResultContext(); = rb.getResults().docList;
ctx.query = null; // anything?
rsp.add("response", ctx);
} // -1 as flag if not set.
long timeAllowed = params.getLong(CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED, -1L);
if (null != rb.getCursorMark() && 0 < timeAllowed) {
// fundamentally incompatible
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, "Can not search using both " +
CursorMarkParams.CURSOR_MARK_PARAM + " and " + CommonParams.TIME_ALLOWED);
} SolrIndexSearcher.QueryCommand cmd = rb.getQueryCommand();
cmd.setTimeAllowed(timeAllowed); req.getContext().put(SolrIndexSearcher.STATS_SOURCE, statsCache.get(req)); SolrIndexSearcher.QueryResult result = new SolrIndexSearcher.QueryResult(); //
// grouping / field collapsing
GroupingSpecification groupingSpec = rb.getGroupingSpec();
if (groupingSpec != null) {
try {
boolean needScores = (cmd.getFlags() & SolrIndexSearcher.GET_SCORES) != 0;
if (params.getBool(GroupParams.GROUP_DISTRIBUTED_FIRST, false)) {
CommandHandler.Builder topsGroupsActionBuilder = new CommandHandler.Builder()
.setNeedDocSet(false) // Order matters here
.setSearcher(searcher); for (String field : groupingSpec.getFields()) {
topsGroupsActionBuilder.addCommandField(new SearchGroupsFieldCommand.Builder()
.setTopNGroups(cmd.getOffset() + cmd.getLen())
} CommandHandler commandHandler =;
SearchGroupsResultTransformer serializer = new SearchGroupsResultTransformer(searcher);
rsp.add("firstPhase", commandHandler.processResult(result, serializer));
rsp.add("totalHitCount", commandHandler.getTotalHitCount());
} else if (params.getBool(GroupParams.GROUP_DISTRIBUTED_SECOND, false)) {
CommandHandler.Builder secondPhaseBuilder = new CommandHandler.Builder()
.setTruncateGroups(groupingSpec.isTruncateGroups() && groupingSpec.getFields().length > 0)
.setSearcher(searcher); for (String field : groupingSpec.getFields()) {
SchemaField schemaField = schema.getField(field);
String[] topGroupsParam = params.getParams(GroupParams.GROUP_DISTRIBUTED_TOPGROUPS_PREFIX + field);
if (topGroupsParam == null) {
topGroupsParam = new String[0];
} List<SearchGroup<BytesRef>> topGroups = new ArrayList<>(topGroupsParam.length);
for (String topGroup : topGroupsParam) {
SearchGroup<BytesRef> searchGroup = new SearchGroup<>();
if (!topGroup.equals(TopGroupsShardRequestFactory.GROUP_NULL_VALUE)) {
searchGroup.groupValue = new BytesRef(schemaField.getType().readableToIndexed(topGroup));
} secondPhaseBuilder.addCommandField(
new TopGroupsFieldCommand.Builder()
.setMaxDocPerGroup(groupingSpec.getGroupOffset() + groupingSpec.getGroupLimit())
} for (String query : groupingSpec.getQueries()) {
secondPhaseBuilder.addCommandField(new QueryCommand.Builder()
.setDocsToCollect(groupingSpec.getOffset() + groupingSpec.getLimit())
.setQuery(query, rb.req)
} CommandHandler commandHandler =;
TopGroupsResultTransformer serializer = new TopGroupsResultTransformer(rb);
rsp.add("secondPhase", commandHandler.processResult(result, serializer));
} int maxDocsPercentageToCache = params.getInt(GroupParams.GROUP_CACHE_PERCENTAGE, 0);
boolean cacheSecondPassSearch = maxDocsPercentageToCache >= 1 && maxDocsPercentageToCache <= 100;
Grouping.TotalCount defaultTotalCount = groupingSpec.isIncludeGroupCount() ?
Grouping.TotalCount.grouped : Grouping.TotalCount.ungrouped;
int limitDefault = cmd.getLen(); // this is normally from "rows"
Grouping grouping =
new Grouping(searcher, result, cmd, cacheSecondPassSearch, maxDocsPercentageToCache, groupingSpec.isMain());
.setGetGroupedDocSet(groupingSpec.isTruncateGroups()); if (groupingSpec.getFields() != null) {
for (String field : groupingSpec.getFields()) {
grouping.addFieldCommand(field, rb.req);
} if (groupingSpec.getFunctions() != null) {
for (String groupByStr : groupingSpec.getFunctions()) {
grouping.addFunctionCommand(groupByStr, rb.req);
} if (groupingSpec.getQueries() != null) {
for (String groupByStr : groupingSpec.getQueries()) {
grouping.addQueryCommand(groupByStr, rb.req);
} if (rb.doHighlights || rb.isDebug() || params.getBool(MoreLikeThisParams.MLT, false)) {
// we need a single list of the returned docs
} grouping.execute();
if (grouping.isSignalCacheWarning()) {
String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Cache limit of %d percent relative to maxdoc has exceeded. Please increase cache size or disable caching.", maxDocsPercentageToCache)
rb.setResult(result); if (grouping.mainResult != null) {
ResultContext ctx = new ResultContext(); = grouping.mainResult;
ctx.query = null; // TODO? add the query?
rsp.add("response", ctx);
rsp.getToLog().add("hits", grouping.mainResult.matches());
} else if (!grouping.getCommands().isEmpty()) { // Can never be empty since grouping.execute() checks for this.
rsp.add("grouped", result.groupedResults);
rsp.getToLog().add("hits", grouping.getCommands().get(0).getMatches());
} catch (SyntaxError e) {
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, e);
} // normal search result, cmd);
rb.setResult(result); ResultContext ctx = new ResultContext(); = rb.getResults().docList;
ctx.query = rb.getQuery();
rsp.add("response", ctx);
rsp.getToLog().add("hits", rb.getResults().docList.matches()); if ( ! rb.req.getParams().getBool(ShardParams.IS_SHARD,false) ) {
if (null != rb.getNextCursorMark()) {
} if(rb.mergeFieldHandler != null) {
rb.mergeFieldHandler.handleMergeFields(rb, searcher);
} else {
doFieldSortValues(rb, searcher);
} doPrefetch(rb);
调用SolrIndexSearcher:基于lucence IndexSearcher之上加入缓存功能和schema aware
SolrIndexSearcher adds schema awareness and caching functionality
over the lucene IndexSearcher
public QueryResult search(QueryResult qr, QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
return qr;
private void getDocListNC(QueryResult qr,QueryCommand cmd) throws IOException {
int len = cmd.getSupersetMaxDoc();
int last = len;
if (last < 0 || last > maxDoc()) last=maxDoc();
final int lastDocRequested = last;
int nDocsReturned;
int totalHits;
float maxScore;
int[] ids;
float[] scores; boolean needScores = (cmd.getFlags() & GET_SCORES) != 0; Query query = QueryUtils.makeQueryable(cmd.getQuery()); ProcessedFilter pf = getProcessedFilter(cmd.getFilter(), cmd.getFilterList());
if (pf.filter != null) {
query = new FilteredQuery(query, pf.filter);
} // handle zero case...
if (lastDocRequested<=0) {
final float[] topscore = new float[] { Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY };
final int[] numHits = new int[1]; Collector collector; if (!needScores) {
collector = new SimpleCollector () {
public void collect(int doc) {
} @Override
public boolean needsScores() {
return false;
} else {
collector = new SimpleCollector() {
Scorer scorer;
public void setScorer(Scorer scorer) {
this.scorer = scorer;
public void collect(int doc) throws IOException {
float score = scorer.score();
if (score > topscore[0]) topscore[0]=score;
} @Override
public boolean needsScores() {
return true;
} buildAndRunCollectorChain(qr, query, collector, cmd, pf.postFilter); nDocsReturned=0;
ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
scores = new float[nDocsReturned];
totalHits = numHits[0];
maxScore = totalHits>0 ? topscore[0] : 0.0f;
// no docs on this page, so cursor doesn't change
} else {
final TopDocsCollector topCollector = buildTopDocsCollector(len, cmd);
Collector collector = topCollector;
buildAndRunCollectorChain(qr, query, collector, cmd, pf.postFilter); totalHits = topCollector.getTotalHits();
TopDocs topDocs = topCollector.topDocs(0, len);
populateNextCursorMarkFromTopDocs(qr, cmd, topDocs); maxScore = totalHits>0 ? topDocs.getMaxScore() : 0.0f;
nDocsReturned = topDocs.scoreDocs.length;
ids = new int[nDocsReturned];
scores = (cmd.getFlags()&GET_SCORES)!=0 ? new float[nDocsReturned] : null;
for (int i=0; i<nDocsReturned; i++) {
ScoreDoc scoreDoc = topDocs.scoreDocs[i];
ids[i] = scoreDoc.doc;
if (scores != null) scores[i] = scoreDoc.score;
} int sliceLen = Math.min(lastDocRequested,nDocsReturned);
if (sliceLen < 0) sliceLen=0;
qr.setDocList(new DocSlice(0,sliceLen,ids,scores,totalHits,maxScore));
2. 集群查找
public void submit(final ShardRequest sreq, final String shard, final ModifiableSolrParams params) {
// do this outside of the callable for thread safety reasons
final List<String> urls = getURLs(sreq, shard); Callable<ShardResponse> task = new Callable<ShardResponse>() {
public ShardResponse call() throws Exception { ShardResponse srsp = new ShardResponse();
if (sreq.nodeName != null) {
SimpleSolrResponse ssr = new SimpleSolrResponse();
long startTime = System.nanoTime(); try {
params.remove(CommonParams.WT); // use default (currently javabin)
params.remove(CommonParams.VERSION); QueryRequest req = makeQueryRequest(sreq, params, shard);
req.setMethod(SolrRequest.METHOD.POST); // no need to set the response parser as binary is the default
// req.setResponseParser(new BinaryResponseParser()); // if there are no shards available for a slice, urls.size()==0
if (urls.size()==0) {
// TODO: what's the right error code here? We should use the same thing when
// all of the servers for a shard are down.
throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE, "no servers hosting shard: " + shard);
} if (urls.size() <= 1) {
String url = urls.get(0);
try (SolrClient client = new HttpSolrClient(url, httpClient)) { = client.request(req);
} else {
LBHttpSolrClient.Rsp rsp = httpShardHandlerFactory.makeLoadBalancedRequest(req, urls); = rsp.getResponse();
catch( ConnectException cex ) {
srsp.setException(cex); //????
} catch (Exception th) {
if (th instanceof SolrException) {
} else {
} ssr.elapsedTime = TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.convert(System.nanoTime() - startTime, TimeUnit.NANOSECONDS); return transfomResponse(sreq, srsp, shard);
}; try {
if (shard != null) {
MDC.put("ShardRequest.shards", shard);
if (urls != null && !urls.isEmpty()) {
MDC.put("ShardRequest.urlList", urls.toString());
pending.add( completionService.submit(task) );
} finally {
* LBHttpSolrClient or "LoadBalanced HttpSolrClient" is a load balancing wrapper around
* {@link HttpSolrClient}. This is useful when you
* have multiple Solr servers and the requests need to be Load Balanced among them.
* Do <b>NOT</b> use this class for indexing in master/slave scenarios since documents must be sent to the
* correct master; no inter-node routing is done.
* In SolrCloud (leader/replica) scenarios, it is usually better to use
* {@link CloudSolrClient}, but this class may be used
* for updates because the server will forward them to the appropriate leader.
* <p>
* It offers automatic failover when a server goes down and it detects when the server comes back up.
* <p>
* Load balancing is done using a simple round-robin on the list of servers.
* <p>
* If a request to a server fails by an IOException due to a connection timeout or read timeout then the host is taken
* off the list of live servers and moved to a 'dead server list' and the request is resent to the next live server.
* This process is continued till it tries all the live servers. If at least one server is alive, the request succeeds,
* and if not it fails.
* <blockquote><pre>
* SolrClient lbHttpSolrClient = new LBHttpSolrClient("http://host1:8080/solr/", "http://host2:8080/solr", "http://host2:8080/solr");
* //or if you wish to pass the HttpClient do as follows
* httpClient httpClient = new HttpClient();
* SolrClient lbHttpSolrClient = new LBHttpSolrClient(httpClient, "http://host1:8080/solr/", "http://host2:8080/solr", "http://host2:8080/solr");
* </pre></blockquote>
* This detects if a dead server comes alive automatically. The check is done in fixed intervals in a dedicated thread.
* This interval can be set using {@link #setAliveCheckInterval} , the default is set to one minute.
* <p>
* <b>When to use this?</b><br> This can be used as a software load balancer when you do not wish to setup an external
* load balancer. Alternatives to this code are to use
* a dedicated hardware load balancer or using Apache httpd with mod_proxy_balancer as a load balancer. See <a
* href="">Load balancing on Wikipedia</a>
* @since solr 1.4
* Makes a request to one or more of the given urls, using the configured load balancer.
* @param req The solr search request that should be sent through the load balancer
* @param urls The list of solr server urls to load balance across
* @return The response from the request
public LBHttpSolrClient.Rsp makeLoadBalancedRequest(final QueryRequest req, List<String> urls)
throws SolrServerException, IOException {
return loadbalancer.request(new LBHttpSolrClient.Req(req, urls));
* Tries to query a live server from the list provided in Req. Servers in the dead pool are skipped.
* If a request fails due to an IOException, the server is moved to the dead pool for a certain period of
* time, or until a test request on that server succeeds.
* Servers are queried in the exact order given (except servers currently in the dead pool are skipped).
* If no live servers from the provided list remain to be tried, a number of previously skipped dead servers will be tried.
* Req.getNumDeadServersToTry() controls how many dead servers will be tried.
* If no live servers are found a SolrServerException is thrown.
* @param req contains both the request as well as the list of servers to query
* @return the result of the request
* @throws IOException If there is a low-level I/O error.
public Rsp request(Req req) throws SolrServerException, IOException {
Rsp rsp = new Rsp();
Exception ex = null;
boolean isUpdate = req.request instanceof IsUpdateRequest;
List<ServerWrapper> skipped = null; long timeAllowedNano = getTimeAllowedInNanos(req.getRequest());
long timeOutTime = System.nanoTime() + timeAllowedNano;
for (String serverStr : req.getServers()) {
if(isTimeExceeded(timeAllowedNano, timeOutTime)) {
} serverStr = normalize(serverStr);
// if the server is currently a zombie, just skip to the next one
ServerWrapper wrapper = zombieServers.get(serverStr);
if (wrapper != null) {
// System.out.println("ZOMBIE SERVER QUERIED: " + serverStr);
final int numDeadServersToTry = req.getNumDeadServersToTry();
if (numDeadServersToTry > 0) {
if (skipped == null) {
skipped = new ArrayList<>(numDeadServersToTry);
else if (skipped.size() < numDeadServersToTry) {
rsp.server = serverStr;
try {
MDC.put("LBHttpSolrClient.url", serverStr);
HttpSolrClient client = makeSolrClient(serverStr); ex = doRequest(client, req, rsp, isUpdate, false, null);
if (ex == null) {
return rsp; // SUCCESS
} finally {
} // try the servers we previously skipped
if (skipped != null) {
for (ServerWrapper wrapper : skipped) {
if(isTimeExceeded(timeAllowedNano, timeOutTime)) {
} ex = doRequest(wrapper.client, req, rsp, isUpdate, true, wrapper.getKey());
if (ex == null) {
return rsp; // SUCCESS
} if (ex == null) {
throw new SolrServerException("No live SolrServers available to handle this request");
} else {
throw new SolrServerException("No live SolrServers available to handle this request:" + zombieServers.keySet(), ex);
} }
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