chaos-engineering 的一些开源工具
Chaos Monkey - A resiliency tool that helps applications tolerate random instance failures. The Simian Army - A suite of tools for keeping your cloud operating in top form. orchestrator - MySQL replication topology management and HA. kube-monkey - An implementation of Netflix's Chaos Monkey for Kubernetes clusters. Gremlin Inc. - Failure as a Service. Pumba - Chaos testing and network emulation for Docker containers (and clusters). Chaos Toolkit - A chaos engineering toolkit to help you build confidence in your software system. ChaoSlingr - Introducing Security Chaos Engineering. ChaoSlingr focuses primarily on the experimentation on AWS Infrastructure to proactively instrument system security failure through experimentation. PowerfulSeal - Adds chaos to your Kubernetes clusters, so that you can detect problems in your systems as early as possible. It kills targeted pods and takes VMs up and down. drax - DC/OS Resilience Automated Xenodiagnosis tool. It helps to test DC/OS deployments by applying a Chaos Monkey-inspired, proactive and invasive testing approach. Wiremock - API mocking (Service Virtualization) which enables modeling real world faults and delays MockLab - API mocking (Service Virtualization) as a service which enables modeling real world faults and delays. Pod-Reaper - A rules based pod killing container. Pod-Reaper was designed to kill pods that meet specific conditions that can be used for Chaos testing in Kubernetes. Muxy - A chaos testing tool for simulating a real-world distributed system failures. Toxiproxy - A TCP proxy to simulate network and system conditions for chaos and resiliency testing. Blockade - Docker-based utility for testing network failures and partitions in distributed applications. chaos-lambda - Randomly terminate ASG instances during business hours. Namazu - Programmable fuzzy scheduler for testing distributed systems. Chaos Monkey for Spring Boot - Injects latencies, exceptions, and terminations into Spring Boot applications Byte-Monkey - Bytecode-level fault injection for the JVM. It works by instrumenting application code on the fly to deliberately introduce faults like exceptions and latency. GomJabbar - ChaosMonkey for your private cloud
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