I can't give you the world, but I can give you my world.


Maybe I can't give you all what I have, I always try to keep some in my hand.

Besides you, there are many others I have to take care of.

If I can become stronger and more powerful, then I can give you more.

Maybe I am too selfish, too narrow-minded.

According to a report published recently, there are more and more university graduates choosing to venture into business after their graduation.

And education and retail industries attracted the most college entrepreneurs.

Is that a good sign? Not necessarily.

Maybe it shows that the economic situation isn't very good, and fails to provide enough satisfying jobs.

But some graduates have been successful after starting their own businesses.

For most of us, the gap between our hopes and the reality lies in the lack of courage.

Just think of the tragedy of teaching children not to doubt.


From Clarence Darrow.

I orginally guessed that Mr. Darrow might be an educationist, because many quotes from him were about adolescent education, like this one we quoted above and the following one:

The first half of our lives is ruined by our parents and the second half by our children.

But after I read another famous quotation from him, I changed my idea, and the quote goes as following:

You can only protect your liberties in this world by protecting the other man's freedom, you can only be free if I am free.

Maybe he was a lawyer or politician.

And the searching results proved that he was an American lawyer, a leading member of the American Civil Liberty Union.

As a lawyer, he defended many high-profile clients in some famous trials of the early 20th century, and some his influential cases were about teenagers.

So, it is no strange that he always made some comments about juvenile educations.

Back to today's topic, no one is born to know everything.

Almost all of our knowledge about the world stems from learning and exercises throughout our life.

For a child, there are innumerable wonders and doubts in his mind, these things stimulate him to learn, to research, to find.

If we restrain their curiosity and doubts, they would have been obedient but ignorant and lack of courage.

That is exactly not the scene we want to see.

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