
  1. DispatcherServlet receives the request.
  2. DispatcherServlet dispatches the task of selecting an appropriate controller to HandlerMapping. HandlerMapping selects the controller which is mapped to the incoming request URL and returns the (selected Handler) and Controller to DispatcherServlet.
  3. DispatcherServlet dispatches the task of executing of business logic of Controller to HandlerAdapter.
  4. HandlerAdapter calls the business logic process of Controller.
  5. Controller executes the business logic, sets the processing result in Model and returns the logical name of view to HandlerAdapter.
  6. DispatcherServlet dispatches the task of resolving the View corresponding to the View name to ViewResolver. ViewResolver returns the View mapped to View name.
  7. DispatcherServlet dispatches the rendering process to returned View.
  8. View renders Model data and returns the response.

Spring MVC processing flow的更多相关文章

  1. An overview of the Spring MVC request flow

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  2. Spring MVC request flow

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  3. Spring MVC入门

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  4. spring mvc DispatcherServlet详解之前传---FrameworkServlet

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  5. Spring MVC初次相见

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  6. 初识Spring MVC

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  7. (转载)spring mvc DispatcherServlet详解之一---处理请求深入解析

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