-- https://fpga4u.epfl.ch/wiki/FPGA4U_Description
-- The SDRAM is an ISSI IS42S32800B. With bits data bus, validated by SDRAM_DQM<..> signals,
-- one for each Byte of data bus SDRAM_DQ<..>.
-- This memory is a synchronous SDRAM, validating address and control signals with the rising edge of SDRAM_CLK,
-- while SDRAM_CKE activated (''). The organisation is banks selected by SDRAM_BA<..>.
-- Each bank as ^ Row and ^ Column selected by SDRAM_AD<11.0>, with bits words
-- (SDRAM_DQ<..> (^ * ^ * ^ = * 2M x = 8Mx32 = 32MBytes).
-- In SOPC Builder, with the SDRAM Controller, select:
-- Banks
-- Rows addresses lines
-- Columns addresses lines library ieee;
use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.numeric_std.all; entity fpga4u_sdram_controller is
--Avalon slave interface (pipelined, variable latency)
signal clk, reset : in std_logic;
signal as_address : in std_logic_vector( downto );
signal as_read, as_write : in std_logic;
signal as_byteenable : in std_logic_vector( downto );
signal as_readdata : out std_logic_vector( downto );
signal as_writedata : in std_logic_vector( downto );
signal as_waitrequest : out std_logic;
signal as_readdatavalid : out std_logic; --SDRAM interface to FPGA4U SDRAM
signal ram_addr : out std_logic_vector( downto );
signal ram_ba : out std_logic_vector( downto );
signal ram_cas_n : out std_logic;
signal ram_cke : out std_logic;
signal ram_cs_n : out std_logic;
signal ram_dq : inout std_logic_vector( downto );
signal ram_dqm : out std_logic_vector( downto );
signal ram_ras_n : out std_logic;
signal ram_we_n : out std_logic
end entity; architecture arch of fpga4u_sdram_controller is
--Initialisation signals
type init_state_t is (init_reset, init_pre, init_wait_pre, init_ref, init_wait_ref, init_mode, init_wait_mode, init_done);
signal init_state : init_state_t := init_reset;
signal init_wait_counter : unsigned( downto );
signal init_ref_counter : unsigned( downto ); --Main state machine
type state_t is (idle, ref, wait_ref, act, wait_act, read, spin_read, write, spin_write, precharge_all, wait_precharge);
signal state : state_t := idle;
signal ref_counter : unsigned( downto );
signal ref_req : std_logic;
signal wait_counter : unsigned( downto ); --Active transaction signals
signal int_address : std_logic_vector( downto );
signal int_readdata : std_logic_vector( downto );
signal int_writedata : std_logic_vector( downto );
signal int_byteenable : std_logic_vector( downto );
signal int_writeop : std_logic; --open bank and row
signal open_bank : std_logic_vector( downto );
signal open_row : std_logic_vector( downto ); --readdata ready pipeline
signal readdata_ready : std_logic_vector( downto ); signal ram_cmd : std_logic_vector( downto );
--State machine to handle SDRAM initialization
INITSTATE : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '' then
init_state <= init_reset;
--power up delay
init_wait_counter <= to_unsigned(,init_wait_counter'length);
--number refresh cycles before mode register write
init_ref_counter <= to_unsigned(,init_ref_counter'length);
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
--count down when not
if init_wait_counter /= then
init_wait_counter <= init_wait_counter - ;
end if;
case init_state is
when init_reset =>
if init_wait_counter = then
init_state <= init_pre;
end if;
--do a precharge
when init_pre =>
init_wait_counter <= to_unsigned(,init_wait_counter'length);
init_state <= init_wait_pre;
when init_wait_pre =>
if init_wait_counter = then
init_state <= init_ref;
end if;
--do a refresh
when init_ref =>
init_wait_counter <= to_unsigned(,init_wait_counter'length);
init_ref_counter <= init_ref_counter - ;
init_state <= init_wait_ref;
when init_wait_ref =>
if init_wait_counter = then
if init_ref_counter = then
init_state <= init_mode;
init_state <= init_ref;
end if;
end if;
--set the mode register
when init_mode =>
init_wait_counter <= to_unsigned(,init_wait_counter'length);
init_state <= init_wait_mode;
when init_wait_mode =>
if init_wait_counter = then
init_state <= init_done;
end if;
when others =>
end case;
end if;
end process; --Asynchronous waitrequest to allow one transfer per cycle (critical path)
as_waitrequest <= '' when (state = idle and ref_req = '' and (as_read = '' or as_write = ''))
or ((state = read or state = spin_read) and ref_req = '' and as_read = '' and as_address( downto ) = open_row and as_address( downto ) = open_bank)
or ((state = write or state = spin_write) and ref_req = '' and as_write = '' and as_address( downto ) = open_row and as_address( downto ) = open_bank)
else ''; --Main state machine
make_state : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '' then
state <= idle;
ref_counter <= (others=>'');
ref_req <= ''; --begin with a refresh
wait_counter <= (others=>'');
readdata_ready <= (others=>'');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
--counters for delays and refresh generation
if wait_counter /= then
wait_counter <= wait_counter - ;
end if;
if ref_counter /= then
ref_counter <= ref_counter - ;
ref_req <= '';
ref_counter <= to_unsigned(,ref_counter'length);
end if;
--main state machine runs when the initialization is done
if init_state = init_done then
case state is
when idle =>
if ref_req = '' then --go do a refresh
ref_req <= '';
state <= ref;
elsif as_write = '' or as_read = '' then --accept the request and go to open the row
int_address <= as_address;
int_writedata <= as_writedata;
int_byteenable <= as_byteenable;
int_writeop <= as_write;
state <= act;
end if;
when ref =>
wait_counter <= to_unsigned(,wait_counter'length);
state <= wait_ref;
when wait_ref =>
if wait_counter = then
state <= idle;
end if;
when act => --save the open bank and row
open_bank <= int_address( downto );
open_row <= int_address( downto );
wait_counter <= to_unsigned(,wait_counter'length);
state <= wait_act;
when wait_act =>
if wait_counter = then
if int_writeop = '' then
state <= read;
state <= write;
end if;
end if;
when read => --issue a read command, feed a one in the readdata_ready pipeline, when it exits data is ready for the master
as_readdata <= int_readdata;
as_readdatavalid <= readdata_ready();
readdata_ready <= readdata_ready( downto )&'';
if ref_req = '' and as_read = '' and as_address( downto ) = open_row and as_address( downto ) = open_bank then
int_address <= as_address;
state <= read;
state <= spin_read;
end if;
when spin_read => --wait for reads to complete and eventually issue more compatible reads
as_readdata <= int_readdata;
as_readdatavalid <= readdata_ready();
readdata_ready <= readdata_ready( downto )&'';
if readdata_ready = "" and (ref_req = '' or as_write = '') then
state <= precharge_all;
elsif ref_req = '' and as_read = '' and as_address( downto ) = open_row and as_address( downto ) = open_bank then
int_address <= as_address;
state <= read;
elsif readdata_ready = "" and as_read = '' then
state <= precharge_all;
end if;
when write => --the same as read, except there is no pipeline as data is presented to the SDRAM on the same cycle as the command
wait_counter <= to_unsigned(,wait_counter'length);
if ref_req = '' and as_write = '' and as_address( downto ) = open_row and as_address( downto ) = open_bank then
int_address <= as_address;
int_writedata <= as_writedata;
int_byteenable <= as_byteenable;
state <= write;
state <= spin_write;
end if;
when spin_write => --same as for read
if wait_counter = and (ref_req = '' or as_read = '') then
state <= precharge_all;
elsif ref_req = '' and as_write = '' and as_address( downto ) = open_row and as_address( downto ) = open_bank then
int_address <= as_address;
int_writedata <= as_writedata;
int_byteenable <= as_byteenable;
state <= write;
elsif wait_counter = and as_write = '' then
state <= precharge_all;
end if;
when precharge_all =>
state <= wait_precharge;
when wait_precharge =>
state <= idle;
when others=>
end case;
end if;
end if;
end process; --data from the ram needs to be sampled on the falling edge of the controller clock for proper operation
if falling_edge(clk) then
int_readdata <= ram_dq;
end if;
end process; --process generating the command sequence for the SDRAM
ram_cke <= '';
ram_cs_n <= ram_cmd();
ram_ras_n <= ram_cmd();
ram_cas_n <= ram_cmd();
ram_we_n <= ram_cmd();
OUTPUTS : process(clk, reset)
if reset = '' then
ram_addr <= (others=>'');
ram_cmd <= "";
ram_ba <= (others=>'');
ram_dq <= (others=>'Z');
ram_dqm <= (others=>'');
elsif rising_edge(clk) then
if init_state = init_pre then
ram_cmd <= ""; --precharge
ram_addr <= (=>'', others=>'');
elsif init_state = init_ref then
ram_cmd <= ""; --refresh
elsif init_state = init_mode then
ram_cmd <= ""; --mode set
ram_addr <= ""; --no burst, three cycles latency
elsif init_state = init_done then
if state = ref then
ram_cmd <= ""; --refresh
elsif state = act then
ram_cmd <= ""; --activate
ram_addr <= int_address( downto );
ram_ba <= int_address( downto );
elsif state = read then
ram_cmd <= ""; --read
ram_addr <= ""&int_address( downto );
ram_dqm <= "";
elsif state = write then
ram_cmd <= ""; --write
ram_addr <= ""&int_address( downto );
ram_dq <= int_writedata;
ram_dqm <= not int_byteenable;
elsif state = precharge_all then
ram_cmd <= ""; --precharge
ram_addr <= ""&int_address( downto );
ram_dqm <= "";
ram_cmd <= ""; --nop
ram_dq <= (others=>'Z');
end if;
ram_cmd <= ""; --nop
end if;
end if;
end process;
end arch;

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