
我们在创建要素时,简单的IFeatureClass.CreateFeature之后,然后把IGeometry对象赋给Feature.shape,会引发“The Geometry has no Z values”的错误提示。类似的错误在做地图标注过程中也会出现。

/// <summary>
        /// 设置Z值和M值,解决The Geometry has no Z values错误
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pF">要素</param>
        /// <param name="pGeo">几何</param>
        public static void SetZValue(IFeature pF, IGeometry pGeo)
            int index;
            index = pF.Fields.FindField("Shape");
            IGeometryDef pGeometryDef;
            pGeometryDef = pF.Fields.get_Field(index).GeometryDef as IGeometryDef;
            if (pGeometryDef.HasZ)
                IZAware pZAware = (IZAware)pGeo;
                pZAware.ZAware = true;
                //IZ iz1 = (IZ)pGeo;
                //iz1.SetConstantZ(0);  //将Z值设置为0
                IPoint point = (IPoint)pGeo;
                point.Z = 0;
                IZAware pZAware = (IZAware)pGeo;
                pZAware.ZAware = false;
            if (pGeometryDef.HasM)
                IMAware pMAware = (IMAware)pGeo;
                pMAware.MAware = true;
                IMAware pMAware = (IMAware)pGeo;
                pMAware.MAware = false;

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