
Make the keyring password on your computer less annoying

15. This tip is only relevant when you're being logged in automatically, without entering your username and password.
The keyring password can be annoying when you use automatic login. Google Chrome and Chromium invoke it when you want to store website passwords or when you have stored those in the past.

Luckily, it's simple to train Chrome and Chromium to behave themselves. Basically, this entails launching them with the specific order not to install website passwords in the user keyring anymore.

The downside is of course, that the storage of website passwords becomes less secure. If you can live with that, this is how to achieve it:

a. First delete the current user keyring. Don't be afraid: you won't remove your root password or your user password, but only your personal user keyring. Note: this will delete all the website passwords you've stored in Chrome and Chromium!

Proceed like this:

Launch a terminal window.
(You can launch a terminal window like this: *Click*)

Use copy/paste to transfer the following command line to the terminal:

rm -v ~/.local/share/keyrings/*.keyring

Press Enter.

Instead of applying the rest of this how-to (step b and further), you can also disable the keyring password entirely, which is insecure and therefore not advisable. Do you wish to do that anyway? Not smart, but this is how:
The next time when you're being prompted for a keyring password, leave the password field blank (simply click Continue and then again Continue, thus agreeing to unsafe storage).

b. For Google Chrome, you copy/paste this command line into the terminal (it's one line):

cp -v /usr/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop ~/.local/share/applications

Press Enter.

Then (it's one line):

sed -i 's/google-chrome-stable/google-chrome-stable --password-store=basic/g' .local/share/applications/google-chrome.desktop

Press Enter.

For Chromium, you copy/paste the following command line into the terminal (it's one line):

cp -v /usr/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop ~/.local/share/applications

Press Enter.

Then (it's one line):

sed -i 's/Exec=chromium-browser/Exec=chromium-browser --password-store=basic/g' .local/share/applications/chromium-browser.desktop

Press Enter.

That should take care of that problem for you.

c. Do you also want this protection when you launch Chrome or Chromium from the terminal (something which only advanced users will ever do)? Then use Gedit or Leafpad to create a hidden text file called .bash_aliases in your user account and put the following two green lines into it:

alias google-chrome='google-chrome --password-store=basic'
alias chromium-browser='chromium-browser --password-store=basic'



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