:-) smile

:-] polite smile

:-( frown

:-[ another frown

:-/ or :-\ skepticism, annoyance, or a slight frown

indecision, deadpan, or indifference; also often used with a
contrasting statement to convey biting sarcasm (e.g. "That was
hilarious! :-|")

;-) wink

:-D wide grin

:-P or :-p
or :-þ tongue sticking out; used to convey a joke, light-hearted
sarcasm, inappropriateness, or a light hearted groan, as in "Ugh".

B-) or 8-) wearing glasses (usually interpreted as sunglasses)

:-o or :-O or :-0 surprise

:-s or :-S confusion

:-8 or :-B buck teeth

:-x sealed lips; used to convey "I shouldn't have said that" or sometimes shocked silence

:'-( or :_( or :*( or :…( shedding a tear

:o) clown face, can mean tongue in cheek

>:-) or }:-) eyebrows or horns; evil, being mean, a devil

0:-) halo over the head, an angel, innocence

XD laughing so hard the eyes are closed, (LOL)

D: horror (read right to left)

:3 cat face, or the "aw" face.

:'( Tear

:V mouth opened comically wide (in some communities, e.g. Ragnarok Online, it is considered a duck)

:-t angry

:-> grin

:*) blush; (sometimes used to illustrate "drunk")

:-)* kiss 2

:^o liar liar

:-& tongue-tied

>:o~ Angry; drooling (frothing at mouth with anger)

:-) 微笑

:-( 不悦

;-) 使眼色

:-D 开心

:-P 吐舌头

:-O 张大口

8-) 戴眼镜者的微笑


@_@ 疑惑、晕头转向

o_O 讶异

^_^ 高兴

XD (横向看)眼睛鼻子都挤在一起,只露出咧开的大嘴巴。不一定代表什么情绪,只是这种表情。

T_T 哭得很伤心

-_-b 流汗

\^o^/ 抱抱

Orz Or2 srO)跪拜,服了你了,还有一个大个的:O| ̄|_

<{=····· 乌鸦飞过,冷场


<( ̄︶ ̄)>      满足且得意

<( ̄︶ ̄)/      满足并且伸出手,表示赞同

<(@ ̄︶ ̄@)>    满足地脸红

(# ̄▽ ̄#)      害羞

\( ̄︶ ̄)/      抱抱

b( ̄▽ ̄)d      竖起双手拇指说好

╰( ̄▽ ̄)╭      眉飞色舞

( ̄︶ ̄)↗       出发吧

○(* ̄︶ ̄*)○    吃饱睡好

♀( ̄▽ ̄)/      优质女孩

♂( ̄▽ ̄)/      优质男孩

╮(╯◇╰)╭      啾~啾~亲一个

╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╭(′▽‵)╯    GO!

( ̄▽ ̄)~■□~( ̄▽ ̄)         干杯

<( ̄︶ ̄)><( ̄︶ ̄)><( ̄︶ ̄)>  当我们同在一起

(┬_┬)        流泪

(>﹏<)        痛苦

(┬_┬)↘       跌倒

〒▽〒          真命苦

…(⊙_⊙;)… 嘎?

( ̄∞ ̄) 猪!

(︶︿︶) 不满

╰(‵□′)╯ 暴怒

((‵□′)) 暴怒

(︶︿︶)=凸 比中指

(╯-_-)╯╧╧ 翻桌A

(╯‵□′)╯︵┴─┴ 翻桌B

┴─┴︵╰(‵□′╰) 翻桌C

╭∩╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭∩╮ 哼,去你的(鄙视你)

┴┴︵╰(‵□′)╯︵┴┴ 拆房子

(╬ ̄皿 ̄)=○#( ̄#)3 ̄) 看拳

<(‵□′)>───Cε(┬_┬)3 生气扭耳朵

<(  ̄︿ ̄)︵θ︵θ︵θ︵θ︵☆(>口<-) 无影脚攻击

〈(_ _)〉 道歉、鞠躬
m(_ _)m      叩拜

( ̄ c ̄)y▂ξ 抽烟

(メ▼へ▼)/�{︻┻┳═一 干掉你!!

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