





  1. 新建一个需要准备哪些数据的实体类对象
  • 待查询的猫
public class Cat { private String id; private String food; private String weight; private String height; }
  • 待查询的狗
public class Dog { private String id; private String food; private String weight; private String height;
  • 待查询的猪
public class Pig { private String id; private String food; private String weight; private String height; private String pid;
  • 自定义传输实体对象,这里定义了需要查询那些集合对象
public class CustomDataTransferDTO{ /**
* ===============================================================
* 数据查询结果
* ===============================================================
* 待查询的猫信息
private List<Cat> catList; /**
* 待查询的狗信息 通过注解来明确关联关系
@CustomAnnotation.connectTable(tablePath = "com.study.customdatatransfer.Pig")
private List<Dog> dogList; /**
* 待查询的猪信息
private List<Pig> pigList;
  1. 新建参数关系类
  • 公共参数关系类
* 这里为共通参数信息设置
* @author jieya
public class CommonParameterDTO { /**
* ===============================================================
* 这里配置所有集合查询的公共查询条件
* ===============================================================
* 主键信息
public String id; }
  • 自定义查询参数
* 自定义查询条件及关联表信息查询实体对象
* @author Administrator
public class TableAndParamsDTO { /**
* 主表名 这里是查询那个实体对象的数据,这里的table值一定要和CustomDataTransferDTO中的List的泛型对上
private String table;
* ===============================================================
* 自定义参数
* ===============================================================
* 自定义查询参数 search 标记这是一个查询参数
private String food; /**
* connectSearchTerm(term = "id") 这个标记为这是连表查询的副表,主表的id等于副表的pid
@CustomAnnotation.connectSearchTerm(term = "id")
private String pid;
  1. 新建自定义处理主方法
* 自定义数据处理主方法
* @author Administrator
public class CustomDataMain { private static final List<Cat> catList = new ArrayList<>();
private static final List<Dog> dogList = new ArrayList<>();
private static final List<Pig> pigList = new ArrayList<>();
private static List<TableAndParamsDTO> tableAndParamsList = new ArrayList();
private static CommonParameterDTO commonParameter = new CommonParameterDTO(); static {
catList.add(new Cat("1", "面包1", "10", "12"));
catList.add(new Cat("2", "面包2", "10", "12"));
catList.add(new Cat("3", "面包3", "10", "12"));
catList.add(new Cat("4", "面包4", "10", "12")); dogList.add(new Dog("1", "米饭1", "10", "12"));
dogList.add(new Dog("2", "米饭2", "10", "12"));
dogList.add(new Dog("3", "米饭3", "10", "12"));
dogList.add(new Dog("4", "米饭4", "10", "12")); pigList.add(new Pig("1", "麻辣烫1", "10", "12", "1"));
pigList.add(new Pig("2", "麻辣烫2", "10", "12", "2"));
pigList.add(new Pig("3", "麻辣烫3", "10", "12", "3"));
pigList.add(new Pig("4", "麻辣烫4", "10", "12", "4"));
} public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
// 共通参数
TableAndParamsDTO tableAndParamsDTO = new TableAndParamsDTO();
} public static Object findCustomData(Class<?> clazz) throws Exception { // 实例化数据传输类
Object obj = clazz.newInstance(); // 首先得到pojo所定义的字段
Field[] fields = clazz.getDeclaredFields();
for (Field curField : fields) {
// 设置字段可访问(必须,否则报错)
// 如果
if (!curField.isAnnotationPresent(Ignore.class)) {
CustomAnnotation.connectTable annotation = curField.getAnnotation(CustomAnnotation.connectTable.class);
String sideTablePath = null;
if (annotation != null) {
sideTablePath = annotation.tablePath();
} Class<?> curFieldType = curField.getType();
// 集合List元素
if (curFieldType.equals(List.class)) {
// 当前集合的泛型类型
Type genericType = curField.getGenericType();
if (null == genericType) {
if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
ParameterizedType pt = (ParameterizedType) genericType;
// 得到泛型里的class类型对象
Class<?> actualTypeArgument = (Class<?>) pt.getActualTypeArguments()[0];
// 获取完整路径信息
String tablePath = actualTypeArgument.getName();
// 获取实体对象名称
String tableName = actualTypeArgument.getSimpleName();
// 获取该实体对象设置的自定义信息
TableAndParamsDTO tableAndParams = tableAndParamsList.stream().filter(o -> o.getTable().equals(tableName)).findAny().orElse(null);
// 拼接hql和执行获取数据
obj = connectSqlAndExexute(obj, clazz, tablePath, tableAndParams, sideTablePath);
} else {
System.out.println(curField.getName() + "--暂不支持的类型--" + curFieldType.getSimpleName());
} else {
return null;
} /**
* 连接sql并获取数据
* @param obj
* @param clazz
* @param tablePath
* @param tableAndParams
* @param sideTablePath
* @return
* @throws Exception
private static Object connectSqlAndExexute(Object obj, Class<?> clazz, String tablePath,
TableAndParamsDTO tableAndParams, String sideTablePath) throws Exception {
int lastIndex = tablePath.lastIndexOf(".");
String tableName = tablePath.substring(lastIndex + 1);
List<Object> param = new ArrayList<>();
// 查询语句
StringBuilder selectBuilder = new StringBuilder(" select * from " + tableName + " where 1=1");
// 查询条件
StringBuilder whereBuilder = new StringBuilder(); // 拼接共通参数
if (commonParameter != null) {
// 拼接共通参数
Field[] fields = commonParameter.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (Field curField : fields) {
// 设置字段可访问(必须,否则报错)
String name = curField.getName();
whereBuilder.append(" and " + name + "=?");
Object vlaue = ReflectionUtil.getVlaue(commonParameter, name, "");
// 如果设置了表和特殊参数则按照特殊情况处理,否则使用共通参数拼接条件
if (tableAndParams != null) {
// 遍历该实体对象设置的配置信息
// 获取主表
String table = tableAndParams.getTable(); // 拼接自定义经营范围
Field[] fields = tableAndParams.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : fields) {
// 判断是否为查询条件
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(CustomAnnotation.search.class)) {
whereBuilder.append(" and " + field.getName() + "=?");
Object vlaue = ReflectionUtil.getVlaue(tableAndParams, field.getName(), "");
} // 关联查询
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(CustomAnnotation.connectSearchTerm.class)) {
String name = field.getName();
String values = GsUtils.blankNull(ReflectionUtil.getVlaue(tableAndParams, name, ""));
String[] split = values.split(",");
String sideWhere = "";
for (int i = 0; i < split.length; i++) { sideWhere += " and " + name + " in(";
sideWhere += "'" + split[i] + "'" + ",";
sideWhere = sideWhere.substring(0, sideWhere.length() - 1);
sideWhere += " )"; whereBuilder.append(sideWhere);
} }
// 获取查询对象的class对象
Class tableClazz = Class.forName(tablePath);
// hql不为空和hql中不包含and符号时,禁止执行sql,防止全库扫描
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(whereBuilder.toString())) {
throw new Exception("hql错误,因不存在and查询条件,会导致全库扫描" + selectBuilder.toString());
// TODO 执行sql 将查询到数据封装到list<bean>对象中
// List list = baseDao.findByHql(selectBuilder.toString()+whereBuilder.toString(),tableClazz,param);
// TODO 这段代码为无用的为获取数据的代码
List list = findDataInfo(tableName,whereBuilder,param);
// 将查询到的信息添加到传输文件实体对象中
if (list != null && list.size() > 0) {
obj = ReflectionUtil.setValue(obj, clazz, tableName, list);
} // 连表查询
if (sideTablePath != null) {
String sideTableName = Class.forName(sideTablePath).getSimpleName();
// 获取该实体对象设置的自定义信息
TableAndParamsDTO sideTableAndParams = tableAndParamsList.stream().filter(o -> o.getTable().equals(sideTableName)).findAny().orElse(null);
// 拼接自定义经营范围
Field[] sideFields = sideTableAndParams.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (Field field : sideFields) {
// 关联查询
if (field.isAnnotationPresent(CustomAnnotation.connectSearchTerm.class)) {
String term = field.getAnnotation(CustomAnnotation.connectSearchTerm.class).term();
String sideParam = "";
for (Object obj1 : list) {
Object value = ReflectionUtil.getVlaue(obj1, (String) term, "");
if (value != null) {
sideParam += value + ",";
if (StringUtils.isEmpty(sideParam)) {
throw new Exception("关联表但为获取到关联条件信息" + selectBuilder.toString());
// 将值设置到对象中
field.set(sideTableAndParams, sideParam);
// 拼接hql和执行获取数据
obj = connectSqlAndExexute(obj, clazz, sideTablePath, sideTableAndParams, null);
System.out.println("tableAndParams:" + tableAndParams + "commonParams:" + commonParameter + "执行sql语句:" + selectBuilder.toString() + whereBuilder.toString() + "查询条件:" + param + "查询结果:" + list);
return obj;
} private static List findDataInfo(String tableName, StringBuilder whereBuilder, List<Object> param) {
List<Object> list = new ArrayList<Object>();
return list;
return list;
return list;



* 保存待处理数据
* @param obj
public void saveOtherInfo(Object obj) throws Exception {
// 首先得到pojo所定义的字段
Field[] fields = obj.getClass().getDeclaredFields();
for (Field curField : fields) {
// 设置字段可访问(必须,否则报错)
curField.setAccessible(true); Class<?> curFieldType = curField.getType();
// 集合List元素
if (curFieldType.equals(List.class)) {
// 当前集合的泛型类型
Type genericType = curField.getGenericType();
if (null == genericType) {
if (genericType instanceof ParameterizedType) {
Object object = ReflectionUtil.getVlaue(obj,(String) curField.getName(),"");
List list = (List)object;
for (int i=0;i<list.size();i++){
Object o = list.get(i);
// baseDao.saveOrUpdate(o);
System.out.println((curField.getName() + "--暂不支持的类型--" + curFieldType.getSimpleName()));




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