
1 下载

# wget https://github.com/doujiang24/lua-resty-kafka/archive/v0.06.tar.gz
# tar xvf v0.06.tar.gz

2 准备配置文件testkafka.conf

# vi testkafka.conf

    lua_package_path "/usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/kafka/?.lua;;";
lua_need_request_body on;
server {
listen ;
server_name testkafka;
location /test {
content_by_lua '
local testfile = "/tmp/test.log" local cjson = require "cjson"
local client = require "resty.kafka.client"
local producer = require "resty.kafka.producer" local broker_list = {
{ host = "", port = }
} local topic = "test"
local key = "key"
local message = "halo world" -- usually we do not use this library directly
local cli = client:new(broker_list)
local brokers, partitions = cli:fetch_metadata(topic)
if not brokers then
ngx.say("fetch_metadata failed, err:", partitions)
--ngx.say("brokers: ", cjson.encode(brokers), "; partitions: ", cjson.encode(partitions)) -- sync producer_type
local p = producer:new(broker_list) local f = io.open(testfile, "a+")
f:write(topic .. ":" .. key .. ":" .. message .. "\\n")
f:close() local offset, err = p:send(topic, key, message)
if not offset then
ngx.say("send err:", err)
ngx.say("send success, offset: ", tonumber(offset)) -- this is async producer_type and bp will be reused in the whole nginx worker
local bp = producer:new(broker_list, { producer_type = "async" }) local ok, err = bp:send(topic, key, message)
if not ok then
ngx.say("send err:", err)
end ngx.say("host : ", ngx.var.host)
ngx.say("uri : ", ngx.var.uri)
ngx.say("args : ", ngx.var.args)
ngx.say("body : ", ngx.req.get_body_data())
ngx.say("client ip : ", ngx.var.remote_addr)
ngx.say("time : ", ngx.var.time_local)
ngx.say("send success, ok:", ok)



3 启动docker

$ docker -d -p 80:80 -v /path/to/testkafka.conf:/etc/nginx/conf.d/testkafka.conf -v /path/to/lua-resty-kafka-0.06/lib/resty/kafka:/usr/local/openresty/lualib/resty/kafka openresty/openresty

挂载testkafka.conf以及kafka lib目录

4 测试

# curl 'http://testkafka/test?a=1&b=2' -d 'hello' -x
send success, offset: 13
host : testkafka
uri : /test
args : a=1&b=2
body : hello
client ip :
time : 08/Mar/2019:14:26:20 +0000
send success, ok:true

5 更多



6 报错

有可能报错:no resolver defined to resolve

这是因为kafka broker配置的是hostname,而不是ip,而nginx遇到hostname必须通过dns解析,而不能依靠/etc/hosts来解析,所以会报以上错误,这时有两种解决方法:





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