Replace To Make Regular Bracket Sequence

You are given string s consists of opening and closing brackets of four kinds <>, {}, [], (). There are two types of brackets: opening and closing. You can replace any bracket by another of the same type. For example, you can replace < by the bracket {, but you can't replace it by ) or >.

The following definition of a regular bracket sequence is well-known, so you can be familiar with it.

Let's define a regular bracket sequence (RBS). Empty string is RBS. Let s1 and s2 be a RBS then the strings <s1>s2, {s1}s2, [s1]s2, (s1)s2 are also RBS.

For example the string "[[(){}]<>]" is RBS, but the strings "[)()" and "][()()" are not.

Determine the least number of replaces to make the string s RBS.


The only line contains a non empty string s, consisting of only opening and closing brackets of four kinds. The length of s does not exceed 106.


If it's impossible to get RBS from s print Impossible.

Otherwise print the least number of replaces needed to get RBS from s.



 #include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std; int main(){
string input;
while(cin >> input){
int count = ;
stack<char> s;
s.push(input[]); //[
for(int i = ;i < input.length();i++){//<}){}
if(s.size() > && ( == '[' || == '<' || == '(' || == '{')){
if(input[i] == ']' || input[i] == '>' || input[i] == ')' || input[i] == '}'){
if(!(( == '[' && input[i] == ']') ||
( == '<' && input[i] == '>') ||
( == '(' && input[i] == ')') ||
( == '{' && input[i] == '}'))){
if(s.size() != ){
cout << "Impossible" << endl;
cout << count << endl;

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