人生第一场Div. 1


A. Skyscrapers



#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
//This code is written by Itst
using namespace std; inline int read(){
int a = 0;
char c = getchar();
bool f = 0;
if(c == '-') f = 1;
c = getchar();
a = a * 10 + c - 48;
c = getchar();
return f ? -a : a;
} #define PII pair < int , int >
int num[1007][1007] , h[1007][1007] , l[1007][1007] , N , M; int main(){
N = read(); M = read();
for(int i= 1 ; i <= N ; ++i)
for(int j = 1 ; j <= M ; ++j)
num[i][j] = read();
vector < PII > vec;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= N ; ++i){
for(int j = 1 ; j <= M ; ++j)
vec.push_back(PII(num[i][j] , j));
sort(vec.begin() , vec.end());
int pre = 0 , cnt = 0;
for(auto t : vec){
cnt += pre != t.first;
h[i][t.second] = cnt;
pre = t.first;
h[i][0] = cnt;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= M ; ++i){
for(int j = 1 ; j <= N ; ++j)
vec.push_back(PII(num[j][i] , j));
sort(vec.begin() , vec.end());
int pre = 0 , cnt = 0;
for(auto t : vec){
cnt += pre != t.first;
l[t.second][i] = cnt;
pre = t.first;
l[0][i] = cnt;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= N ; ++i){
for(int j = 1 ; j <= M ; ++j)
cout << max(h[i][0] + max(h[i][j] , l[i][j]) - h[i][j] , l[0][j] + max(h[i][j] , l[i][j]) - l[i][j]) << ' ';
cout << endl;
return 0;

B. Camp Schedule


#define INF 0x3f3f3f3f
//This code is written by Itst
using namespace std; char s[500007] , t[500007];
int nxt[500007]; int main(){
scanf("%s %s" , s + 1 , t + 1);
int lS = strlen(s + 1) , lT = strlen(t + 1);
nxt[0] = -1;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= lT ; ++i){
int cur = nxt[i - 1];
while(cur != -1 && t[cur + 1] != t[i])
cur = nxt[cur];
nxt[i] = cur + 1;
int cntS0 = 0 , cntS1 = 0 , cntT0 = 0 , cntT1 = 0 , cntCir0 = 0 , cntCir1 = 0;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= lS ; ++i)
if(s[i] == '0') ++cntS0;
else ++cntS1;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= nxt[lT] ; ++i)
if(t[i] == '0') ++cntT0;
else ++cntT1;
for(int i = nxt[lT] + 1 ; i <= lT ; ++i)
if(t[i] == '0') ++cntCir0;
else ++cntCir1;
if(cntS0 >= cntT0 && cntS1 >= cntT1){
cntS0 -= cntT0; cntS1 -= cntT1;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= nxt[lT] ; ++i)
while(cntS0 >= cntCir0 && cntS1 >= cntCir1){
cntS0 -= cntCir0; cntS1 -= cntCir1;
for(int i = nxt[lT] + 1 ; i <= lT ; ++i)
while(cntS0){putchar('0'); --cntS0;}
while(cntS1){putchar('1'); --cntS1;}
return 0;

C. Museums Tour

PS:在status->execution time->最后一板可以看到我3993ms的好成绩qwq

拆点,对于一个点\(u\)拆成\(d\)个点\(u_0,u_1,...,u_{d-1}\),对于一条边\((u,v)\)拆成\(d\)条边\((u_i,v_{(i+1) \mod d})\),然后tarjan求SCC并顺带求出一个SCC中能够到达的博物馆数量,那么也就是要求选择一条从\(1_0\)所在的SCC开始的路径,使得经过的所有点能够到达的博物馆数量最多。在DAG上记搜一下即可。

注意:DAG上的路径的博物馆数量就是所有点的博物馆数量相加,而且不会重复计算博物馆。因为如果存在路径\((u_i,u_j)\),那么从\(u_j\)沿着与这条路径相同的路径绕\(d-1\)轮肯定会到达\(u_i\),所以会存在路径\((u_j,u_i)\),所以对于\(\forall i , j\),\(u_i\)和\(u_j\)不会存在拓扑先后顺序的关系,所以不会算重。

//This code is written by Itst
using namespace std; inline int read(){
int a = 0;
char c = getchar();
c = getchar();
a = a * 10 + c - 48;
c = getchar();
return a;
} #define id(i,j) ((i - 1) * D + j)
const int MAXN = (1e5 + 1) * 50;
vector < int > ch[MAXN];
struct Edge{
int end , upEd;
int head[MAXN] , dfn[MAXN] , low[MAXN] , stk[MAXN] , sum[MAXN] , in[MAXN] , ans[MAXN];
int cntEd , top , N , M , D , ts , cntSCC;
bool vis[MAXN] , ins[MAXN] , open[MAXN] , mrk[100003]; inline void addEd(int a , int b){
Ed[++cntEd] = (Edge){b , head[a]};
head[a] = cntEd;
} void pop(int x){
vector < int > nd;
int t = stk[top];
nd.push_back(t / D);
ins[t] = 0; in[t] = cntSCC;
if(!mrk[t / D] && open[t]){
mrk[t / D] = 1;
}while(stk[top--] != x);
for(auto t : nd) mrk[t] = 0;
} void tarjan(int x){
dfn[x] = low[x] = ++ts;
vis[x] = ins[x] = 1;
stk[++top] = x;
for(int i = head[x] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd){
if(!vis[Ed[i].end]) tarjan(Ed[i].end);
else if(!ins[Ed[i].end]) continue;
low[x] = min(low[x] , low[Ed[i].end]);
if(dfn[x] == low[x]) pop(x);
} int dfs(int x){
if(ans[x] != -1) return ans[x];
ans[x] = 0;
for(auto t : ch[x]) ans[x] = max(ans[x] , dfs(t));
return ans[x] += sum[x];
} inline char getc(){
char c = getchar();
while(!isdigit(c)) c = getchar();
return c;
} int main(){
memset(ans , -1 , sizeof(ans));
N = read(); M = read(); D = read();
for(int i = 1 ; i <= M ; ++i){
int a = read() , b = read();
for(int j = 0 ; j < D ; ++j)
addEd(id(a , j) , id(b , (j + 1) % D));
for(int i = 1 ; i <= N ; ++i)
for(int j = 0 ; j < D ; ++j)
open[id(i , j)] = getc() - '0';
for(int i = 0 ; i <= id(N , (D - 1)) ; ++i)
for(int j = head[i] ; j ; j = Ed[j].upEd)
if(in[Ed[j].end] && in[i] != in[Ed[j].end])
cout << dfs(in[0]) << endl;
return 0;

D. Cooperative Game

先使用Floyd判环法:找两个人,一个人走一步、一个人走两步,不断走直到这两个人在同一个点。假设其中一个人走了\(x + t\)步,另一个人走了\(2x + 2t\)步,然后再所有人一起走,至多\(3x + 3t\)步所有人就会走到一起。而在这之前肯定会有一段时间所有人已经到达同一个点,只是在环上走,所以当所有人第一次相遇的时候就刚好同时到达终点。

考虑步数,有\(t+x \equiv 2t + 2x \mod c\),即\(x + t \equiv 0 \mod c\),即\(x = c - t \mod c\)。所以前两个人的总步数为\(2(c - t \ mod c) + 2t \leq 2t + 2c\)步,最后所有人一起走要走\(t\)步,所以总共要走\(3t+2c\)步。

using namespace std; int get(){
int x;
string s;
cin >> x;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= x ; ++i) cin >> s;
return x;
} int main(){
puts("next 0 1");
puts("next 1");
}while(get() > 2);
puts("next 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9");
}while(get() > 1);
return 0;

E. Train Car Selection


对于\(1\ k\)的情况,相当于之前所有的数都不可能会产生贡献


//This code is written by Itst
using namespace std; #define int long long
inline int read(){
int a = 0;
char c = getchar();
c = getchar();
a = a * 10 + c - 48;
c = getchar();
return a;
} const int MAXN = 3e5 + 7;
#define ld long double
#define PII pair < int , int >
#define st first
#define nd second
int K , B , top , all;
ld getK(PII a , PII b){return (b.nd - a.nd) * 1.0 / (a.st - b.st);}
int calc(PII nd){return (nd.st - 1) * K + nd.nd + B;} signed main(){
all = read(); st[top = 1] = PII(1 , 0);
for(int M = read() ; M ; --M){
int tp = read();
if(tp == 1){st[top = 1] = PII(1 , 0); B = K = 0; all += read();}
if(tp == 2){
PII now = PII(all + 1 , -calc(PII(all + 1 , 0)));
while(top > 1 && getK(now , st[top]) >= getK(st[top] , st[top - 1]))
st[++top] = now;
all += read();
else{B += read(); K += read();}
while(top > 1 && calc(st[top]) >= calc(st[top - 1])) --top;
cout << st[top].st << ' ' << calc(st[top]) << endl;
return 0;

F. Matches Are Not a Child's Play


所以考虑:每一次将树根\(u\)设为当前优先级最大的点,每一次\(up\ v\)操作时,给\(u\)到\(v\)的这一条链的颜色变为当前最大的优先级\(+1\),然后将\(v\)变为树根。注意到这两个操作都可以使用LCT完美解决。


//This code is written by Itst
using namespace std; inline int read(){
int a = 0;
char c = getchar();
c = getchar();
a = a * 10 + c - 48;
c = getchar();
return a;
} const int MAXN = 2e5 + 3;
int N , Q , cntCol; namespace BIT{
int BIT[MAXN << 1]; #define lowbit(x) ((x) & -(x))
void add(int x , int num){
while(x <= N + Q){
BIT[x] += num;
x += lowbit(x);
} int get(int x){
int sum = 0;
sum += BIT[x];
x -= lowbit(x);
return sum;
using BIT::add; using BIT::get; namespace LCT{
struct node{
int ch[2] , fa , col , sz;
bool mrk;
}Tree[MAXN]; bool nroot(int x){
return Tree[Tree[x].fa].ch[0] == x || Tree[Tree[x].fa].ch[1] == x;
} bool son(int x){
return Tree[Tree[x].fa].ch[1] == x;
} void pushup(int x){
Tree[x].sz = Tree[Tree[x].ch[0]].sz + Tree[Tree[x].ch[1]].sz + 1;
} void rot(int x){
bool f = son(x);
int y = Tree[x].fa , z = Tree[y].fa , w = Tree[x].ch[f ^ 1];
Tree[x].fa = z;
if(nroot(y)) Tree[z].ch[son(y)] = x;
Tree[y].fa = x; Tree[x].ch[f ^ 1] = y;
Tree[y].ch[f] = w; if(w) Tree[w].fa = y;
} void mark(int x , bool f , int col){
if(!x) return;
Tree[x].col = col;
swap(Tree[x].ch[0] , Tree[x].ch[1]);
Tree[x].mrk ^= 1;
} void pushdown(int x){
mark(Tree[x].ch[0] , Tree[x].mrk , Tree[x].col);
mark(Tree[x].ch[1] , Tree[x].mrk , Tree[x].col);
Tree[x].mrk = 0;
} void down_all(int x){
if(nroot(x)) down_all(Tree[x].fa);
} void splay(int x){
rot(son(x) == son(Tree[x].fa) ? Tree[x].fa : x);
} void access(int x){
for(int y = 0 ; x ; y = x , x = Tree[x].fa){
add(Tree[x].col , -(Tree[Tree[x].ch[0]].sz + 1));
Tree[x].ch[1] = y;
} void makeroot(int x){
access(x); splay(x);
mark(x , 1 , ++cntCol); add(cntCol , Tree[x].sz);
} int query(int x){
return get(Tree[x].col - 1) + Tree[Tree[x].ch[1]].sz + 1;
using LCT::makeroot; using LCT::query; namespace Tree{
struct Edge{
int end , upEd;
}Ed[MAXN << 1];
int head[MAXN] , in[MAXN] , cntEd; inline void addEd(int a , int b){
Ed[++cntEd].end = b;
Ed[cntEd].upEd = head[a];
head[a] = cntEd;
} void init(){
for(int i = 1 ; i < N ; ++i){
int a = read() , b = read();
addEd(a , b); addEd(b , a);
priority_queue < int , vector < int > , greater < int > > q;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= N ; ++i)
if(in[i] == 1) q.push(i);
int t = q.top(); q.pop();
add(LCT::Tree[t].col = ++cntCol , 1);
for(int i = head[t] ; i ; i = Ed[i].upEd){
if(--in[Ed[i].end] == 1)
if(in[Ed[i].end] >= 1 || Ed[i].end == N)
LCT::Tree[t].fa = Ed[i].end;
} inline char getc(){
char c = getchar();
while(!islower(c)) c = getchar();
return c;
} int main(){
N = read(); Q = read(); Tree::init();
int a , b;
for(int i = 1 ; i <= Q ; ++i)
case 'u': makeroot(read()); break;
case 'w': printf("%d\n" , query(read())); break;
case 'c':
a = read(); b = read();
printf("%d\n" , query(a) > query(b) ? b : a);
return 0;

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