How to Create a First Shell Script
How to Create a First Shell Script
Shell scripts are short programs that are written in a shell programming language and interpreted by a shell A shell is a program that provides the traditional, text-only user A programming language is a precise, artificial language that is used to write computer programs, which are sets of instructions that can be automatically translated (i.e., interpreted or compiled) A feature of bash and other shells used on Unix-like operating systems is that each contains a built-in programming language, referred to as a shell programming language or shell scripting language, which is used to create shell scripts. Among the A First Script The following example, although extremely simple, provides a useful introduction to creating and using shell scripts. The script clears the monitor screen of all previous lines and then writes the text Good morning, world. on it. All that is necessary to create this script is to open a text editor (but not a word processor), such as gedit or vi, and type the
Alternatively, the above code could be copied from this page and pasted to a blank page opened by the text editor page using the standard keyboard or mouse copy and paste functions. After saving this plain text file, with a file name such as morning (or anything else desired), the script is complete and almost ready to
However, the script probably will not run, in which case an error message will appear on the screen such as bash: ./morning: Permission denied. This is because the permissions for the file first have to be set to executable. (By
Now the script is ready to run by typing the following, again while in the same directory, and then pressing the ENTER key:
How It Works The first of the three lines tells the operating system what shell to use to interpret the script and the location (i.e., absolute pathname) The second line tells the shell to issue the clear command. This is a very simple command that removes all previous commands and output from the The third line tells the shell to write the phrase Good morning, world. on the screen. It uses the echo command, which instructs the shell to repeat whatever follows it. (The quotation marks are not necessary in this case; however, it is As is the case with other commands used in shell scripts, clear and echo can also be used independently of scripts. Thus, for example, typing clear on the screen and pressing the ENTER key would remove all previous commands and output and just leave It Doesn't Work! If the phrase Good morning, world. does not appear at the top of the screen, there are several possible reasons: (1) an error was made in copying the code (such as omitting the word echo), (2) the name used in the command was not exactly It is important to avoid practicing writing and executing scripts as the root (i.e., administrative) user. An improperly written script could damage Experiments There are a number of simple, and instructive, experiments that a curious user could do with the above example before moving on to more complex examples. They consist of revising the code as suggested below, saving the revisions (using either the same file (1) One is to try changing some of the wording (for example, changing the third line to echo "Good evening, folks."). (2) Another is to add one or more additional lines to be written to the screen, each beginning with the word echo followed by at least one horizontal space. (3) A third is to leave a blank line between two echo lines. (It will be seen that this will not affect the result; however, a blank line can be created by just typing echo on it and nothing else.) (4) A fourth is to insert some blank horizontal spaces. (Notice that the result will be different depending on whether the blank spaces are inserted before or after the first quotation marks. This tells something about the role of quotation marks in shell (5) A fifth is to execute the file from a different directory from that in which it is located. This requires adding the path of the executable script to the beginning of the command name when it is issued (e.g., ./test/morning if the file has been (6) Another experiment would be to add some other command to the script file, such as ps (which shows the processes currently |
Shell scripts are short programs that are written in a shell programming language and interpreted by a shell A shell is a program that provides the traditional, text-only user A programming language is a precise, artificial language that is used to write computer programs, which are sets of instructions that can be automatically translated (i.e., interpreted or compiled) A feature of bash and other shells used on Unix-like operating systems is that each contains a built-in programming language, referred to as a shell programming language or shell scripting language, which is used to create shell scripts. Among the A First Script The following example, although extremely simple, provides a useful introduction to creating and using shell scripts. The script clears the monitor screen of all previous lines and then writes the text Good morning, world. on it. All that is necessary to create this script is to open a text editor (but not a word processor), such as gedit or vi, and type the
Alternatively, the above code could be copied from this page and pasted to a blank page opened by the text editor page using the standard keyboard or mouse copy and paste functions. After saving this plain text file, with a file name such as morning (or anything else desired), the script is complete and almost ready to
However, the script probably will not run, in which case an error message will appear on the screen such as bash: ./morning: Permission denied. This is because the permissions for the file first have to be set to executable. (By
Now the script is ready to run by typing the following, again while in the same directory, and then pressing the ENTER key:
How It Works The first of the three lines tells the operating system what shell to use to interpret the script and the location (i.e., absolute pathname) The second line tells the shell to issue the clear command. This is a very simple command that removes all previous commands and output from the The third line tells the shell to write the phrase Good morning, world. on the screen. It uses the echo command, which instructs the shell to repeat whatever follows it. (The quotation marks are not necessary in this case; however, it is As is the case with other commands used in shell scripts, clear and echo can also be used independently of scripts. Thus, for example, typing clear on the screen and pressing the ENTER key would remove all previous commands and output and just leave It Doesn't Work! If the phrase Good morning, world. does not appear at the top of the screen, there are several possible reasons: (1) an error was made in copying the code (such as omitting the word echo), (2) the name used in the command was not exactly It is important to avoid practicing writing and executing scripts as the root (i.e., administrative) user. An improperly written script could damage Experiments There are a number of simple, and instructive, experiments that a curious user could do with the above example before moving on to more complex examples. They consist of revising the code as suggested below, saving the revisions (using either the same file (1) One is to try changing some of the wording (for example, changing the third line to echo "Good evening, folks."). (2) Another is to add one or more additional lines to be written to the screen, each beginning with the word echo followed by at least one horizontal space. (3) A third is to leave a blank line between two echo lines. (It will be seen that this will not affect the result; however, a blank line can be created by just typing echo on it and nothing else.) (4) A fourth is to insert some blank horizontal spaces. (Notice that the result will be different depending on whether the blank spaces are inserted before or after the first quotation marks. This tells something about the role of quotation marks in shell (5) A fifth is to execute the file from a different directory from that in which it is located. This requires adding the path of the executable script to the beginning of the command name when it is issued (e.g., ./test/morning if the file has been (6) Another experiment would be to add some other command to the script file, such as ps (which shows the processes currently |
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