Coursera, Machine Learning, notes
Basic theory
Linear regression
cost function:
% correspoding code to compute gradient decent
h = X * theta;
theta = theta - alpha/m * (X' * (h - y));
Gradient Descent vs Normal Equation
time complexity for Gradient Decent is O(kn2)
Locally weighted regression: 只考虑待预测点附件的training data
Logistic regression
a classfication algorithm
Cost function:
Newton's method: much faster than Gradient Decent.
上图是求f(θ)=0时候的θ, 如果对f(θ)积分的最大值或者最小值
Newton’s method gives a way of getting to f(θ) = 0. What if we want to use it to maximize some function ℓ? The maxima of ℓ correspond to points where its first derivative ℓ ′ (θ) is zero. So, by letting f(θ) = ℓ ′ (θ), we can use the same algorithm to maximize ℓ, and we obtain update rule:
θ := θ − ℓ ′(θ) / ℓ ′′(θ)
Neural Network
cost function:
back propagation algorithm:
Diagnostic 用来分析学习算法是不是正常工作,如果不正常工作,进一步找出原因
怎么来评估learning algorithm 是否工作呢?
可以评估hypothesis 函数, 具体可以把所以input数据分成一部分training set, 另一部分作为test set 来验证,Andrew 建议 70%/30% 这个比例来划分,然后看用training set 得到的hypothesis 在 test set 上是否工作
high bias:
high variance: (high gap)
- How to reduce overfitting problem?
- reduce the number of features
- regularization. Keep all the features, but reduce the magnitude of parameters θ j
- besises Gradient Decent, what other algorithms we can use ?
- besides Gradient Decent, there are some optimization algorithms like Conjugate gradient, BFGS, L-BFGS.
- These 3 optimization algorithms don't need maually pick , and they are often faster than Gradient Decent, but more
- which has fixed set of parameters Theta, like linear regression
- in which no. of parameters grow with m.
- one specific algo is Locally weighted regression (Loess, or LWR), 这个算法不需要我们自己选feature,原理是只拟合待预测点附近的点的曲线
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