

IP 环境 需装软件 mysql-5.7.20 node_exporter-0.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz
mysqld_exporter-0.10.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz grafana+prometheus prometheus-2.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz

在 上安装 grafana prometheus

安装 prometheus

  1. # 创建保存软件的目录
  2. mkdir /data/software/ -p
  3. cd /data/software/
  4. # 解压 prometheus
  5. tar xvf prometheus-2.1.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /iba/
  6. cd /iba/
  7. mv prometheus-2.1.0.linux-amd64 prometheus
  8. cd prometheus/
  9. cp prometheus.yml /tmp/prometheus.yml.20181203
  10. # 配置 prometheus.yml
  11. cat prometheus.yml
  12. # my global config
  13. global:
  14. scrape_interval: 15s # Set the scrape interval to every 15 seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
  15. evaluation_interval: 15s # Evaluate rules every 15 seconds. The default is every 1 minute.
  16. # scrape_timeout is set to the global default (10s).
  17. # A scrape configuration containing exactly one endpoint to scrape:
  18. # Here it's Prometheus itself.
  19. scrape_configs:
  20. - job_name: 'Host'
  21. file_sd_configs:
  22. - files:
  23. - host.yml
  24. metrics_path: /metrics
  25. relabel_configs:
  26. - source_labels: [__address__]
  27. regex: (.*)
  28. target_label: instance
  29. replacement: $1
  30. - source_labels: [__address__]
  31. regex: (.*)
  32. target_label: __address__
  33. replacement: $1:9100
  34. - job_name: 'MySQL'
  35. file_sd_configs:
  36. - files:
  37. - mysql.yml
  38. metrics_path: /metrics
  39. relabel_configs:
  40. - source_labels: [__address__]
  41. regex: (.*)
  42. target_label: instance
  43. replacement: $1
  44. - source_labels: [__address__]
  45. regex: (.*)
  46. target_label: __address__
  47. replacement: $1:9104
  48. - job_name: 'prometheus'
  49. static_configs:
  50. - targets:
  51. - localhost:9090
  52. cat host.yml
  53. - labels:
  54. service: test
  55. targets:
  56. -
  57. -
  58. cat mysql.yml
  59. - labels:
  60. service: test
  61. targets:
  62. -
  63. # 测试 prometheus 是否可以正常启动
  64. /iba/prometheus/prometheus --storage.tsdb.retention=30d &
  65. ps -ef|grep prometh
  66. kill -9 14650
  67. # 配置 prometheus.service 文件
  68. vi /usr/lib/systemd/system/prometheus.service
  69. # 内容为
  70. [Unit]
  71. Description=Prometheus instance
  72. Wants=network-online.target
  73. After=network-online.target
  74. [Service]
  75. User=root
  76. Group=root
  77. Type=simple
  78. Restart=on-failure
  79. WorkingDirectory=/iba/prometheus/
  80. RuntimeDirectory=prometheus
  81. RuntimeDirectoryMode=0750
  82. ExecStart=/iba/prometheus/prometheus --storage.tsdb.retention=30d --config.file=/iba/prometheus/prometheus.yml
  83. LimitNOFILE=10000
  84. TimeoutStopSec=20
  85. [Install]
  86. WantedBy=multi-user.target
  87. # 启动 prometheus
  88. systemctl start prometheus
  89. systemctl status prometheus -l
  90. # 开放防火墙
  91. firewall-cmd --permanent --add-rich-rule="rule family="ipv4" source address="" accept"
  92. firewall-cmd --reload

浏览器输入 访问

prometheus.yml 文件参考:




安装 node_exporter 获取主机信息

  1. # 解压 node_exporter
  2. cd /data/software/
  3. tar xf node_exporter-0.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local
  4. mv node_exporter-0.15.2.linux-amd64 node_exporter
  5. nohup ./node_exporter &

安装 grafana

  1. cd /iba/software
  2. # 解压
  3. tar xf grafana-4.6.3.linux-x64.tar.gz -C /iba/prometheus/
  4. cd /iba/prometheus/
  5. mv grafana-4.6.3 grafana
  6. cd grafana/
  7. # 测试
  8. ./bin/grafana-server
  9. # 停止
  10. ctrl+c
  11. cat /usr/lib/systemd/system/grafana-server.service
  12. [Unit]
  13. Description=Grafana instance
  14. Documentation=http://docs.grafana.org
  15. Wants=network-online.target
  16. After=network-online.target
  17. [Service]
  18. User=root
  19. Group=root
  20. Type=simple
  21. Restart=on-failure
  22. WorkingDirectory=/iba/prometheus/grafana
  23. RuntimeDirectory=grafana
  24. RuntimeDirectoryMode=0750
  25. ExecStart=/iba/prometheus/grafana/bin/grafana-server
  26. LimitNOFILE=10000
  27. TimeoutStopSec=20
  28. [Install]
  29. WantedBy=multi-user.target
  30. # 启动
  31. systemctl start grafana-server
  32. systemctl status grafana-server -l

访问,默认用户和密码是 admin/admin


下载 grafana-dashboards-1.6.1.tar.gz,解压,使用浏览器导入 dashboard, 下载地址:https://github.com/percona/grafana-dashboards/archive/v1.6.1.tar.gz

在 安装 node_exporter 和 mysqld_exporter

  1. cd /iba/software/
  2. tar zxf node_exporter-0.15.2.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
  3. cd /usr/local/
  4. mv node_exporter-0.15.2.linux-amd64 node_exporter
  5. # 启动
  6. cd node_exporter/
  7. nohup ./node_exporter &

几分钟后 grafana 出现了新服务器的信息


  1. GRANT REPLICATION CLIENT, PROCESS, SELECT ON *.* TO 'mysql_monitor'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'mysql_monitor';
  1. cd /iba/software/
  2. tar zxf mysqld_exporter-0.10.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz -C /usr/local/
  3. cd /usr/local/
  4. mv mysqld_exporter-0.10.0.linux-amd64/ mysqld_exporter
  5. cd mysqld_exporter/
  6. # 在 mysql 上创建一个专门用于监控的用户,
  7. cat .my.cnf
  8. [client]
  9. user=mysql_monitor
  10. password=mysql_monitor
  11. # 启动
  12. nohup /usr/local/mysqld_exporter/mysqld_exporter -config.my-cnf="/usr/local/mysqld_exporter/.my.cnf" &

导入 dashboard: MySQL_Overview.json

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