GoldenGate OGG-01032 There Is a Problem in Network Communication Error in Writing to Rmt Remote Trail Rmttrail (Doc ID 1446621.1)
GoldenGate OGG-01032 There Is a Problem in Network Communication Error in Writing to Rmt Remote Trail Rmttrail (Doc ID 1446621.1) | To Bottom |
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APPLIES TO:Oracle GoldenGate - Version to [Release 10.0.0 to 11.2] SYMPTOMSThe pump does not start. The following errors are captured in the report file: 2012-03-30 10:50:57 ERROR OGG-01032 There is a problem in network communication, a remote file problem, encryption keys for target and CHANGESNo changes made to the OS or GoldenGate. CAUSETrail file system on target goes out of space causing the pump to hang. The issue is ultimately due to an interrupted rmt trail writing caused by connection issues because the target file system cannot be written to. Note that this is a single instance of a broader issue. Anytime the collector server fails for any reason, it will look like a TCP or network issue to the pump. This can be space or security or path issues or anything else. SOLUTIONFirstly, simply try stopping the extract pump and re-starting it agaın, otherwise, follow these directives Fix any target space issue. 1) Go the source server and login into ggsci 2a) Execute the below command 2b) start <extract pump> (ETROLLOVER will force the pump to write on a fresh trail) 3) Go the target server and check if the new trail files are being generated. 4) Verify if the first record in the new trail file is indeed the next record in the local extract trail. (It can be done by looking at the RBA value through the logdump utility) 5) Alter the replicat to the new trail file 6) Start the Replicat process 7) Verify if all the processes are running fine. |
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