
0 Bad
1 Bad, Low Limited
2 Bad, High Limited
3 Bad, Constant
4 Bad, Configuration Error
5 Bad, Configuration Error, Low Limited
6 Bad, Configuration Error, High Limited
7 Bad, Configuration Error, Constant
8 Bad, Not Connected
9 Bad, Not Connected, Low Limited
10 Bad, Not Connected, High Limited
11 Bad, Not Connected, Constant
12 Bad, Device Failure
13 Bad, Device Failure, Low Limited
14 Bad, Device Failure, High Limited
15 Bad, Device Failure, Constant
16 Bad, Sensor Failure
17 Bad, Sensor Failure, Low Limited
18 Bad, Sensor Failure, High Limited
19 Bad, Sensor Failure, Constant
20 Bad, Last Known Value
21 Bad, Last Known Value, Low Limited
22 Bad, Last Known Value, High Limited
23 Bad, Last Known Value, Constant
24 Bad, Comm Failure
25 Bad, Comm Failure, Low Limited
26 Bad, Comm Failure, High Limited
27 Bad, Comm Failure, Constant
28 Bad, Out of Service
29 Bad, Out of Service, Low Limited
30 Bad, Out of Service, High Limited
31 Bad, Out of Service, Constant
32 Bad, Waiting for Initial Data
33 Bad, Waiting for Initial Data, Low Limited
34 Bad, Waiting for Initial Data, High Limited
35 Bad, Waiting for Initial Data, Constant
64 Uncertain
65 Uncertain, Low Limited
66 Uncertain, High Limited
67 Uncertain, Constant
68 Uncertain, Last Usable Value
69 Uncertain, Last Usable Value, Low Limited
70 Uncertain, Last Usable Value, High Limited
71 Uncertain, Last Usable Value, Constant
80 Uncertain, Sensor Not Accurate
81 Uncertain, Sensor Not Accurate, Low Limited
82 Uncertain, Sensor Not Accurate, High Limited
83 Uncertain, Sensor Not Accurate, Constant
84 Uncertain, Engineering Units Exceeded
85 Uncertain, Engineering Units Exceeded, Low Limited
86 Uncertain, Engineering Units Exceeded, High Limited
87 Uncertain, Engineering Units Exceeded, Constant
88 Uncertain, Sub-Normal
89 Uncertain, Sub-Normal, Low Limited
90 Uncertain, Sub-Normal, High Limited
91 Uncertain, Sub-Normal, Constant
192 Good
193 Good, Low Limited
194 Good, High Limited
195 Good, Constant
216 Good, Local Override
217 Good, Local Override, Low Limited
218 Good, Local Override, High Limited
219 Good, Local Override, Constant

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