C. Three Parts of the Array

time limit per test

1 second

memory limit per test

256 megabytes


standard input


standard output

You are given an array d1,d2,…,dnd1,d2,…,dn consisting of nn integer numbers.

Your task is to split this array into three parts (some of which may be empty) in such a way that each element of the array belongs to exactly one of the three parts, and each of the parts forms a consecutive contiguous subsegment (possibly, empty) of the original array.

Let the sum of elements of the first part be sum1sum1, the sum of elements of the second part be sum2sum2 and the sum of elements of the third part be sum3sum3. Among all possible ways to split the array you have to choose a way such that sum1=sum3sum1=sum3 and sum1sum1 is maximum possible.

More formally, if the first part of the array contains aa elements, the second part of the array contains bb elements and the third part contains ccelements, then:


The sum of an empty array is 00.

Your task is to find a way to split the array such that sum1=sum3sum1=sum3 and sum1sum1 is maximum possible.


The first line of the input contains one integer nn (1≤n≤2⋅1051≤n≤2⋅105) — the number of elements in the array dd.

The second line of the input contains nn integers d1,d2,…,dnd1,d2,…,dn (1≤di≤1091≤di≤109) — the elements of the array dd.


Print a single integer — the maximum possible value of sum1sum1, considering that the condition sum1=sum3sum1=sum3 must be met.

Obviously, at least one valid way to split the array exists (use a=c=0a=c=0 and b=nb=n).



1 3 1 1 4





1 3 2 1 4






4 1 2





In the first example there is only one possible splitting which maximizes sum1sum1: [1,3,1],[ ],[1,4][1,3,1],[ ],[1,4].

In the second example the only way to have sum1=4sum1=4 is: [1,3],[2,1],[4][1,3],[2,1],[4].

In the third example there is only one way to split the array: [ ],[4,1,2],[ ][ ],[4,1,2],[ ].

题解:将给的一组数分成3组(每一组都可以为0个数的和),是的sum1==sum3;  我们可以双向遍历数组,记录和,然后二分查找最大的即可;


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