



N(n<=40000) 接下来n-1行边描述管道,按照题目中写的输入 接下来是k





1 6 13
6 3 9
3 5 7
4 1 3
2 4 20
4 7 2


#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstring>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
inline int read() {
int res=;char ch=getchar();
while(!isdigit(ch)) ch=getchar();
while(isdigit(ch)) res=(res<<)+(res<<)+(ch^),ch=getchar();
return res;
#define reg register
#define N 200005
int n, tot, k;
long long ans; int head[N], cnt = ;
struct edge {
int nxt, to, val;
inline void add(int x, int y, int z)
ed[++cnt] = (edge){head[x], y, z};
head[x] = cnt;
} bool cut[N*]; int siz[N], root, mrt = 1e9;
void dfs(int x, int fa)
siz[x] = ;
for (reg int i = head[x] ; i ; i = ed[i].nxt)
int to = ed[i].to;
if (to == fa or cut[i]) continue;
dfs(to, x);
siz[x] += siz[to];
void efs(int x, int fa)
int tmp = tot - siz[x];
for (reg int i = head[x] ; i ; i = ed[i].nxt)
int to = ed[i].to;
if (to == fa or cut[i]) continue;
efs(to, x);
tmp = max(tmp, siz[to]);
if (tmp < mrt) mrt = tmp, root = x;
inline int FindRoot(int x)
return x;
dfs(x, );
mrt = 1e9;
tot = siz[x];
root = n;
efs(x, );
return root;
} int a[N];
int top;
void Work(int x, int fa, int d)
a[++top] = d;
for (reg int i = head[x] ; i ; i = ed[i].nxt)
int to = ed[i].to;
if (to == fa or cut[i]) continue;
Work(to, x, d + ed[i].val);
inline int Calc(int x, int d)
int res = ;
top = ;
Work(x, , d);
sort (a + , a + + top);
int l = , r = top;
while (l < r)
while(a[l] + a[r] > k and l < r) r--;
res += r - l, l ++;
return res;
void solve(int rt)
root = FindRoot(rt);
ans += Calc(root, );
for (reg int i = head[root] ; i ; i = ed[i].nxt)
int to = ed[i].to;
if (cut[i]) continue;
cut[i] = cut[i ^ ] = ;
ans -= Calc(to, ed[i].val);
} int main()
n = read();
for (reg int i = ; i < n ; i ++)
int x = read(), y = read(), z = read();
add(x, y, z), add(y, x, z);
} k = read();
printf("%d\n", ans);
return ;

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