AST11103 Problem Solving with Programming Skills
Additional Individual Assignment: Min-Game Programming (40%)
Learning Outcomes
1. Use common application software and program development tools;
2. Analyze simple problems with basic problem solving skills and techniques;
3. Apply programming skills and styles in constructing simple computer application;
4. Create reliable and error-free computer application with systematic testing technique; and
5. 5. Compose documentation for the computer applications.
The aim of this project is to apply and demonstrate all your skills learnt in this course and implement a
mini-game in Java. You are free to design the GUI and functions of your game. You will also produce a user
manual as documentation of your game. In lab 8, we have used Random() to make a simple game, in this
assignment, you are expected to design your own mini-game, here are some ideas of mini game:
- Paper, Scissors and Rock
- random number guessing game
- Blackjack
- And any other game idea
Basic Requirements
You are required to implement a Mini-game Java GUI application. The application should include, but not
limited to, the following features:
A. Basic Features (30%)
 Display user-friendly GUIs that enable player to start and end the game.
 Reasonable game logic and end game conditions (win or loss).
 The game should allow player to play multiple rounds of the game, your game should record the
accumulated marks / scores / number of wins, etc.
 Your game contains a high scores record system using read/write of txt file (Lab 9).
 Any additional and appropriate features to make the game interesting.
B. Documentation (10%)
 Besides adding sufficient comments in your Java code, you are required to write a Player
Manual (at most 5 pages).
 The Player Manual provides information to player on how to start, play and complete your
AST11103课程作业代做、代写Programming Skills作业
mini-game in a step-by-step manner. By following your player manual, players should be able
to run your game without any additional assistance.
AST11103 Problem Solving with Programming Skills
© Copyright 2019, Prepared by Dr. Lau Ho Lam. All Rights Reserved 2
 Please make sure your project is runnable in NetBeans and the PDF is readable.
 Use Export > To Zip to export your game and rename your zip file as “”
(For example, “”).
 You may use any software to produce your player manual, save it as PDF file.
 Put both (1) the Exported ZIP file and (2) PDF player manual into a single ZIP file as
“” (For example, “”).
 Upload your zip file to the course website-> Assignments -> Additional Individual Assignment.
 Due Date: 21 December 2019 23:59, late submission will NOT be accepted.
Testing Environment
 When we grade your project, we will use NetBeans Import from ZIP to open and test your project.
 If you have any special requirements, please contact me ( by email.

因为专业,所以值得信赖。如有需要,请加QQ:99515681 或 微信:codehelp

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