


  1. 输入字符串为空
  2. 开头字符为数字、符号(+,-)、空格以外的字符
  3. 有多个加减符号的字符串
  4. 符号没有紧跟数字
  5. 字符串中没有数字

以上这几种情况直接返回 0

第二类: 输入字符串部分可以转换


第三轮: 可以全部转换



class Solution:
def myAtoi(self, str):
:type str: str
:rtype: int
raw_str = str
# set of valid
valid_set = {
'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '+', '-', ' '
# set of num
num_set = {'', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ''}
# set of sign
sign_set = {'+', '-'}
# set of space k = # current location
m = # the number of signs
p = # the last space location
n = # the last signs location
i = # the number of 'num' temp_str = '' # case1: str is Null
if len(raw_str) == :
return # case2: illegal words at begining
if raw_str[] not in valid_set:
return for s in raw_str:
if s in sign_set:
# the sign after num is not valid
if i > :
break m = m +
n = k
# case3: if there are more than signs
if m > :
if s == ' ':
# the space after num is not valid
if i > :
p = k if s in num_set:
# case4: if the last sign location before last space location
if p > n and m > :
i = i +
temp_str = temp_str + s if s not in valid_set:
k = k +
break k = k + # case5: have no number in str:
if i == :
# the num with sign
if m > :
temp_str = raw_str[n] + temp_str covert_int = int(temp_str) # overflow
if covert_int >= ** - :
return ** -
if covert_int <= (-**):
return (-**) return covert_int # test
s = Solution()

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