
# import time
# import queue
# def consumer(name):
# print("--->ready to eat baozi...")
# while True:
# new_baozi = yield
# print("[%s] is eating baozi %s" % (name,new_baozi))
# #time.sleep(1) # def producer():
# r = con.__next__()
# # r = con2.__next__()
# #
# # n = 0
# # while 1:
# # time.sleep(1)
# # print("\033[32;1m[producer]\033[0m is making baozi %s and %s" %(n,n+1) )
# # con.send(n)
# # con2.send(n+1)
# # n +=2
# #
# #
# # if __name__ == '__main__':
# #
# # con = consumer("c1")
# # con2 = consumer("c2")
# # producer() # from greenlet import greenlet
# def test1():
# print(12)
# gr2.switch()
# print(34)
# def test2():
# print(56)
# gr1.switch()
# print(78)
# gr1.switch()
# gr1 = greenlet(test1)
# gr2 = greenlet(test2)
# gr2.switch() # import gevent
# import requests,time
# start=time.time()
# def f(url):
# print('GET: %s' % url)
# resp =requests.get(url)
# data = resp.text
# print('%d bytes received from %s.' % (len(data), url))
# f('https://www.python.org/')
# f('https://www.yahoo.com/')
# f('https://www.baidu.com/')
# f('https://www.sina.com.cn/')
# f("http://www.xiaohuar.com/hua/")
# # gevent.joinall([
# # gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.python.org/'),
# # gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.yahoo.com/'),
# # gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.baidu.com/'),
# # gevent.spawn(f, 'https://www.sina.com.cn/'),
# # gevent.spawn(f, 'http://www.xiaohuar.com/hua/'),
# # ])
# # f('https://www.python.org/')
# #
# # f('https://www.yahoo.com/')
# #
# # f('https://baidu.com/')
# # f('https://www.sina.com.cn/')
# print("cost time:",time.time()-start)


# from multiprocessing import Process, Lock
# import time
# # def f(l, i):
# l.acquire()
# time.sleep(1)
# print('hello world %s' % i)
# l.release()
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# lock = Lock()
# for num in range(10):
# Process(target=f, args=(lock, num)).start()


# from  multiprocessing import Process,Pool
# import time,os
# def Foo(i):
# time.sleep(1)
# print(i)
# print("son",os.getpid())
# return "HELLO %s"%i
from multiprocessing import Process,Pool
# def Bar(arg):
# print(arg)
# # print("hello")
# # print("Bar:",os.getpid())
# if __name__ == '__main__':
# pool = Pool(5)
# print("main pid",os.getpid())
# for i in range(100):
# #pool.apply(func=Foo, args=(i,)) #同步接口
# #pool.apply_async(func=Foo, args=(i,))
# #回调函数: 就是某个动作或者函数执行成功后再去执行的函数
# pool.apply_async(func=Foo, args=(i,),callback=Bar)
# pool.close()
# pool.join() # join与close调用顺序是固定的
# print('end')


# import queue,time
# import multiprocessing
# def foo(q):
# time.sleep(1)
# print("son process",id(q))
# q.put(123)
# q.put("yuan")
# # if __name__ == '__main__':
# #q=queue.Queue()
# q=multiprocessing.Queue()
# p=multiprocessing.Process(target=foo,args=(q,))
# p.start()
# #p.join()
# print("main process",id(q))
# print(q.get())
# print(q.get())
# from multiprocessing import Process, Pipe
# def f(conn):
# conn.send([12, {"name":"yuan"}, 'hello'])
# response=conn.recv()
# print("response",response)
# conn.close()
# print("q_ID2:",id(conn))
# # if __name__ == '__main__':
# parent_conn, child_conn = Pipe() #双向管道
# print("q_ID1:",id(child_conn))
# p = Process(target=f, args=(child_conn,))
# p.start()
# print(parent_conn.recv()) # prints "[42, None, 'hello']"
# parent_conn.send("儿子你好!")
# p.join()
# from multiprocessing import Process, Manager
# def f(d, l,n):
# d[n] = '1' #{0:"1"}
# d['2'] = 2 #{0:"1","2":2}
# l.append(n) #[0,1,2,3,4, 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9]
# #print(l)
# # if __name__ == '__main__':
# with Manager() as manager:
# d = manager.dict()#{}
# l = manager.list(range(5))#[0,1,2,3,4]
# p_list = []
# for i in range(10):
# p = Process(target=f, args=(d,l,i))
# p.start()
# p_list.append(p)
# for res in p_list:
# res.join()
# print(d)
# print(l)


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