Behavior Designer扩展
// The maximum number of children a parent task can have. Will usually be 1 or int.MaxValue
public virtual int MaxChildren();
// Boolean value to determine if the current task is a parallel task
public virtual bool CanRunParallelChildren();
// The index of the currently active child
public virtual int CurrentChildIndex();
// Boolean value to determine if the current task can execute
public virtual bool CanExecute();
// Apply a decorator to the executed status
public virtual TaskStatus Decorate(TaskStatus status);
// Notifies the parent task that the child has been executed and has a status of childStatus
public virtual void OnChildExecuted(TaskStatus childStatus);
// Notifies the parent task that the child at index childIndex has been executed and has a status of childStatus
public virtual void OnChildExecuted(int childIndex, TaskStatus childStatus);
// Notifies the task that the child has started to run
public virtual void OnChildStarted();
// Notifies the parallel task that the child at index childIndex has started to run
public virtual void OnChildStarted(int childIndex);
// Some parent tasks need to be able to override the status, such as parallel tasks
public virtual TaskStatus OverrideStatus(TaskStatus status);
// The interrupt node will override the status if it has been interrupted.
public virtual TaskStatus OverrideStatus();
// Notifies the composite task that an conditional abort has been triggered and the child index should reset
public virtual void OnConditionalAbort(int childIndex);
// The maximum number of children a parent task can have. Will usually be 1 or int.MaxValue
public virtual int MaxChildren();
// Boolean value to determine if the current task is a parallel task
public virtual bool CanRunParallelChildren();
// The index of the currently active child
public virtual int CurrentChildIndex();
// Boolean value to determine if the current task can execute
public virtual bool CanExecute();
// Apply a decorator to the executed status
public virtual TaskStatus Decorate(TaskStatus status);
// Notifies the parent task that the child has been executed and has a status of childStatus
public virtual void OnChildExecuted(TaskStatus childStatus);
// Notifies the parent task that the child at index childIndex has been executed and has a status of childStatus
public virtual void OnChildExecuted(int childIndex, TaskStatus childStatus);
// Notifies the task that the child has started to run
public virtual void OnChildStarted();
// Notifies the parallel task that the child at index childIndex has started to run
public virtual void OnChildStarted(int childIndex);
// Some parent tasks need to be able to override the status, such as parallel tasks
public virtual TaskStatus OverrideStatus(TaskStatus status);
// The interrupt node will override the status if it has been interrupted.
public virtual TaskStatus OverrideStatus();
// Notifies the composite task that an conditional abort has been triggered and the child index should reset
public virtual void OnConditionalAbort(int childIndex);
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