
There is no Action mapped for namespace [/] and action name [user_find] associated with context path [/struts2_crm].


  1. <global-allowed-methods>regex:.*</global-allowed-methods>


  1. <package name="crm" extends="struts-default" namespace="/">
  2. <global-allowed-methods>regex:.*</global-allowed-methods>
  3. <action name="user_*" class="cloud.web.action.UserAction" method="{1}">
  4. <result name="findSuccess">/jsp/user/list.jsp</result>
  5. </action>
  6. </package>

struts 2.5 There is no Action mapped for namespace [/] and action name [user_find] associated with context path [/struts2_crm].的更多相关文章

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