


The file-max file /proc/sys/fs/file-max sets the maximum number of file-handles that the Linux kernel will allocate. We generally tune this file to improve the number of open files by increasing the value of /proc/sys/fs/file-max to something reasonable like 256 for every 4M of RAM we have: i.e. for a machine with 128 MB of RAM, set it to 8192 - 128/4=32 32*256=8192.

/proc/sys/fs/file-nr 记录系统中fd的使用情况,已分配文件句柄的数目 
文件句柄的最大数目 ,

单个进程能够打开的最大fd数量为 ulimit -n, 可以通过sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX)获取默认的进程fd打开数量。

修改fd限制可以先修改shell的ulimit -n,


void modifyfdlimit()
 rlimit fdLimit;

fdLimit.rlim_cur = 30000;
 fdLimit.rlim_max = 30000;

if (-1 == setrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &fdLimit))
  printf ("Set max fd open count fai. /nl");

char cmdBuffer [64];
  sprintf (cmdBuffer, "ulimit -n %d", 30000);

if (-1 == system (cmdBuffer))
   printf("%s failed. /n", cmdBuffer);


if (-1 == getrlimit (RLIMIT_NOFILE, &fdLimit))
   printf("Ulimit fd number failed.");


//printf("Hard limit: %d. Soft limit: %d", fdLimit.rlim_max, fdLimit.rlim_cur);



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